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The House in the Pines: Reese's Book Club (A…
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The House in the Pines: Reese's Book Club (A Novel) (edizione 2023)

di Ana Reyes (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
8152128,128 (3.07)5
"A captivating psychological suspense debut about a young woman still haunted by her teenage best friend's death who learns of an eerily similar death and must find her way back to a cabin in the New England woods, armed only with hazy memories, to finally find out the truth that has eluded her. Maya was a high school senior when her best friend Aubrey mysteriously dropped dead in front of the enigmatic man, Frank, they'd been hanging around with all summer. Seven years later, Maya is just managing to move on; she lives in Boston with a loving boyfriend and is finally kicking the secret Klonopin habit that's allowed her to cope with what happened all those years ago. But her past comes back to haunt her when she discovers a recent YouTube video in which a young woman suddenly keels over in a diner sitting across from none other than Frank. Plunged back into the trauma that has defined her life, Maya heads to her small Berkshires hometown to finally figure out the truth about what happened. With guidance from the half-written book by the father in Guatemala she never knew, Maya's quest for answers forces her to relive that fateful summer-the influence Frank once had on her and the jealousy that nearly destroyed her friendship with Aubrey-finally leading her back to Frank's cabin in the woods. The House in the Pines is an utterly unique and surprising thriller about the subtlety of memory and manipulation, confronting the past, and the powerful and lasting bonds of family and friendship"--… (altro)
Titolo:The House in the Pines: Reese's Book Club (A Novel)
Autori:Ana Reyes (Autore)
Info:Dutton (2023), 330 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere

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The House in the Pines di Ana Reyes

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

Ugh - I hate rating this book so low. It was well written but the main character was supremely unlikable and when you get to the end and discover the twist?! Man I just wanted to throw the book against the wall. Glad I just checked this one out from the library and didn't buy it. I like thrillers and I like thrillers with weird premises - but this one.... not good. ( )
  ecataldi | Aug 28, 2024 |
Just cleaning up my bookshelves and explaining my DNF and no rating.

This was the read for book club a few months back, but I didn't get around to reading it in time. Probs won't circle back to it, so adding to DNF shelf for filing purposes only, not cuz it was bad or anything.
  papercrowns | Aug 6, 2024 |
Slow-moving story about a woman with drink/drug/mental issues researching a tragedy in her past.

Unreliable narrators can be fun, but selfish, flaky ones simply annoy me, and I couldn’t raise much interest or concern for the protagonist. ( )
  LARA335 | May 22, 2024 |
VERY impressive, especially for a debut novel! It's so interesting that she teaches creative writing to older adults. The story goes back and forth between the present and 7 years ago but it's cleverly done and she writes in a way that makes you want to keep turning pages. Definitely a different plot and that was terrific! Interesting to see the different reactions from other readers. ( )
  nyiper | Feb 25, 2024 |
Intriguing ( )
  DKnight0918 | Dec 23, 2023 |
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"A captivating psychological suspense debut about a young woman still haunted by her teenage best friend's death who learns of an eerily similar death and must find her way back to a cabin in the New England woods, armed only with hazy memories, to finally find out the truth that has eluded her. Maya was a high school senior when her best friend Aubrey mysteriously dropped dead in front of the enigmatic man, Frank, they'd been hanging around with all summer. Seven years later, Maya is just managing to move on; she lives in Boston with a loving boyfriend and is finally kicking the secret Klonopin habit that's allowed her to cope with what happened all those years ago. But her past comes back to haunt her when she discovers a recent YouTube video in which a young woman suddenly keels over in a diner sitting across from none other than Frank. Plunged back into the trauma that has defined her life, Maya heads to her small Berkshires hometown to finally figure out the truth about what happened. With guidance from the half-written book by the father in Guatemala she never knew, Maya's quest for answers forces her to relive that fateful summer-the influence Frank once had on her and the jealousy that nearly destroyed her friendship with Aubrey-finally leading her back to Frank's cabin in the woods. The House in the Pines is an utterly unique and surprising thriller about the subtlety of memory and manipulation, confronting the past, and the powerful and lasting bonds of family and friendship"--

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