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di Savannah Scott

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Serie: Getting Shipped! (3)

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Everyone always told me it wasn't as though a woman was going to land on my doorstep and fall in love with me. Well, never say never. Now this woman literally crashes into my life, but she doesn't remember a thing about what happened before she got here. She's beautiful and a little sassy. The longer she's here, the more I feel like she's the missing piece of a puzzle I didn't even know I was trying to solve. Our small town has her pegged as my imported bride, my mom's already sharing family recipes, and my best friend won't stop taunting me about the way I look at her. For once in my life, I can picture a future with someone-with this woman fate seems to have brought me from out of nowhere. The funny thing about fate? Things never go quite the way you planned.… (altro)
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Amnesia, goats, and an amazingly funny romantic story! Absolutely loved the audiobook version of Townshipped! Savannah Scott is quickly becoming a favorite romcom author. I love the way she weaves stories around the residents of the fictional town of Bordeaux, Ohio and this story is my favorite so far.

When a young woman crashes her car near Aiden’s goat farm, he doesn’t expect to fall in love. But as he gets to know “M” he can’t help but enjoy the sweet, strong redhead. Before Mallory crashed her car, she was enjoying a honeymoon for one after calling off her wedding. Now with no memory of her life before, she’s drawn to the handsome farmer who rescued her. While trying to piece together her memory and recover from her injuries, she falls in love not only with Aiden, but his family and the whole town of Bordeaux. But, when she finally regains her memory, will she choose to stay?

Absolutely adored Aiden and Mallory! Aiden is hardworking, a softy at heart, and ruggedly handsome. I loved his chivalry too. Despite those hard to resist tempting late night kisses, he vows not to start anything with Mal until she regains her memories. Along with the romance, is the tragic story of Aiden’s cousin and his unexpected custody of her children. These sweet kids add another cute element to the story.

Not only is it touching and romantic, but it’s hilariously funny. The funeral scene had to be one of my favorites. The phone in the casket, bikers, and the pigeons had me laughing out loud.

The audiobook version is so well done! The narrators voice both male and female parts perfectly. There’s just the right amount of emotion and they really make the characters come to life.

Highly recommend! If you enjoy clean, funny romcoms that not only entertain but touch the heart, you’ll love this book! Although part of a series, it can definitely be read as a standalone. I received an advanced complimentary audiobook copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review. 4.5/5 stars! ( )
  Melissas-Bookshelf | Jan 23, 2023 |
This woman literally crashes into my life, but she doesn’t remember a thing about what happened before she got here.

She’s beautiful and a little sassy.
The longer she’s here, the more I feel like she’s the missing piece of a puzzle I didn’t even know I was trying to solve.

Our small town has her pegged as my imported bride, my mom’s already sharing family recipes, and my best friend won’t stop taunting me about the way I look at her.

For once in my life, I can picture a future with someone -- with this woman fate seems to have brought me from out of nowhere.

The funny thing about fate? Things never go quite the way you planned.
  Gmomaj | Jun 12, 2022 |
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Savannah Scottautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Damron, WillNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McFadden, AmyNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Everyone always told me it wasn't as though a woman was going to land on my doorstep and fall in love with me. Well, never say never. Now this woman literally crashes into my life, but she doesn't remember a thing about what happened before she got here. She's beautiful and a little sassy. The longer she's here, the more I feel like she's the missing piece of a puzzle I didn't even know I was trying to solve. Our small town has her pegged as my imported bride, my mom's already sharing family recipes, and my best friend won't stop taunting me about the way I look at her. For once in my life, I can picture a future with someone-with this woman fate seems to have brought me from out of nowhere. The funny thing about fate? Things never go quite the way you planned.

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