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I'm Glad My Mom Died

di Jennette McCurdy

Altri autori: Kjersti Velsand (Traduttore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
3,2691074,162 (4.28)47
A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actor, including eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother, and how she retook control of her life.
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» Vedi le 47 citazioni

kinda hard to rate memoirs but i wanna give this book as much positive feedback as i can haha. i can’t imagine what it took to write this book tbh. not only is the abuse horrifying (especially given i watched icarly a lot as a child), but it also most definitely steps on people’s toes who could hurt her career further. nonetheless, i am happy she wrote this book and that she is slowly working through these issues. i really do wish her all the best. she really deserves to be praised for her efforts to better herself. ( )
  puppyboykippo | Jul 25, 2024 |
kinda hard to rate memoirs but i wanna give this book as much positive feedback as i can haha. i can’t imagine what it took to write this book tbh. not only is the abuse horrifying (especially given i watched icarly a lot as a child), but it also most definitely steps on people’s toes who could hurt her career further. nonetheless, i am happy she wrote this book and that she is slowly working through these issues. i really do wish her all the best. she really deserves to be praised for her efforts to better herself. ( )
  puppyboykippo | Jul 25, 2024 |
First audiobook I ever listened to all the way through. Read by the author which was a big plus.

This book was on my list for a while, but listening to a very long spoiler-filled summary is what convinced me I want to listen to it all they way and I specifically want to listen and not read. While the major events in the book were all spoiled for me, I love books and movies where that doesn't matter, or rereading/rewatching/rewhatever makes it even better because you notice more details. I think it doesn't matter here because this book is all about those small details, and the self-reflection while you're going through multiple hells. The book is filled with insightful, dark, funny and darkly funny details written with style, which means that while it's dealing with pretty heavy topics, it is still a very fun read/listen at the same time. ( )
  yellowdaniel | Jun 26, 2024 |

As someone who frequently struggles to read non-fiction, and has only read one other memoir, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. At first my interest was focused only on the Nickelodeon parts of the book, since the shows were a big part of my childhood and I wanted to know more about the dark stuff that happened when the cameras were off. But quickly, about two chapters in, I was drawn in to the author's world as a kid. This truly is a testament to Jenette McCurdy's writing skills, the prose flows well and you can form a very clear image of how her home life was.
Since the style of the book is her writing how her thoughts at the time were without the forethought that she has in the present, the whole start of the book shows a child-like innocence that is slightly heart-breaking. You can truly see the damage her mother did even at a very young age, and when she just wonders why her father wasn't really close to her, when she was almost brainwashed by her mother into helping her berate the poor guy every moment of his life, I was actually really sad for their bad relationship.
The book is a very heavy read in terms of content, so it's something to keep in mind. And, I'll just say it since we're all thinking it, Dan Schneider is a monster, a criminal and, sadly, will probably come out unpunished after everything he did. Knowing that, even with everything that was told in the book, the publisher asked for her to tone it down certain stories about the backstages of ICarly and Sam & Cat, we can only wonder about what happened.
These things considered, I loved this book, it was a quick read, a fun one and I was really glad to see her growth and wish Jenette the best in the future with her writing career. ( )
  tuskactfour | Jun 26, 2024 |
The reviews were right. This book is very very good. ( )
  Rachaeljg | Jun 24, 2024 |
The heartbreaking story of an emotionally battered child delivered with captivating candor and grace.
aggiunto da LTLvr | modificaKirkus Reviews (May 30, 2022)

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Jennette McCurdyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Velsand, KjerstiTraduttoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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It's strange how we always give big news to loved ones in a coma, as if a coma is just a thing that happens from a lack of something to be excited about in your life. [Prologue]
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A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actor, including eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother, and how she retook control of her life.

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