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You Can Hear Me Now: How Microloans and Cell Phones are Connecting the World's Poor to the Global Economy

di Nicholas P. Sullivan

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341735,360 (3.25)Nessuno
Bangladeshi villagers sharing cell phones helped build what is nowa thriving company with more than $200 million in annual profits.But what is the lesson for the rest of the world? This is aquestion author Nicholas P. Sullivan addresses in his tale of a newkind of entrepreneur, Iqbal Quadir, the visionary and catalystbehind the creation of GrameenPhone in Bangladesh. GrameenPhone?a partnership between Norway's Telenor andGrameen Bank, co-winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize?definesa new approach to building business opportunities in the developingworld. You Can Hear Me Now offers a compelling account ofwhat Sullivan calls the "external combustion engine"?acombination of forces that is sparking economic growth and liftingpeople out of poverty in countries long dominated by aid-dependentgovernments. The "engine" comprises three forces: informationtechnology, imported by native entrepreneurs trained inthe West, backed by foreign investors.… (altro)
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Bangladeshi villagers sharing cell phones helped build what is nowa thriving company with more than $200 million in annual profits.But what is the lesson for the rest of the world? This is aquestion author Nicholas P. Sullivan addresses in his tale of a newkind of entrepreneur, Iqbal Quadir, the visionary and catalystbehind the creation of GrameenPhone in Bangladesh. GrameenPhone?a partnership between Norway's Telenor andGrameen Bank, co-winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize?definesa new approach to building business opportunities in the developingworld. You Can Hear Me Now offers a compelling account ofwhat Sullivan calls the "external combustion engine"?acombination of forces that is sparking economic growth and liftingpeople out of poverty in countries long dominated by aid-dependentgovernments. The "engine" comprises three forces: informationtechnology, imported by native entrepreneurs trained inthe West, backed by foreign investors.

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