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di Jordan L. Hawk

Serie: Rath & Rune (2)

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362701,125 (3.95)4
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

Librarian Sebastian Rath and his lover Vesper Rune are tasked with seeking and containing the evil Books of the Bound. But one of the Books has been freed from its prison—and is in the hands of a killer.

As more bodies turn up, Sebastian finds himself tempted to use forbidden magic to locate the Book and stop the murderer. And when an unexpected connection to the necromancers who created the Books is revealed, Sebastian must choose just how far he'll go to right the wrongs of the past—even if it means endangering his own future.

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I've read 20 previous books by Hawk, and this is the first one that felt clumsy. A bunch of things are blatantly obvious but none of the characters catch on for ages. I don't usually mind figuring things out ahead of time, I don't require constant surprises, but sometimes it starts to feel like the characters are being purposely obtuse, or that the story was actually meant for children or something and it leeches away some of the joy. I'm not going to take it down to two stars, but it did feel kinda clunky. There was some humor and sweet moments and steam to help offset it. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Jul 2, 2022 |
I had such a blast reading this. Seriously, I want to just immediately start rereading it again.

I love the world, and I love the gang to bits. The romance is swoony, the body horror excellent, and the overarching plot thickens nicely. Absolute joy of a book.

Also, Sebastian’s… enthusiasm for Ves’s tentacles never fails to make me positively gleeful. As a fellow pervert, I’m incredibly happy for him

Can’t wait for the next one! ( )
  tetiana.90 | Nov 20, 2021 |
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The day they buried Arthur Fairchild, the sun blazed down from a cloudless sky.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

Librarian Sebastian Rath and his lover Vesper Rune are tasked with seeking and containing the evil Books of the Bound. But one of the Books has been freed from its prison—and is in the hands of a killer.

As more bodies turn up, Sebastian finds himself tempted to use forbidden magic to locate the Book and stop the murderer. And when an unexpected connection to the necromancers who created the Books is revealed, Sebastian must choose just how far he'll go to right the wrongs of the past—even if it means endangering his own future.


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