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Vagina Obscura: An Anatomical Voyage

di Rachel E. Gross

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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1957142,568 (4.58)2
"A scientific journey to the center of the new female body. The Latin term for the female genitalia, pudendum, means "parts for which you should be ashamed." Until 1651, ovaries were called female testicles. The fallopian tubes are named for a man. Named, claimed, and shamed: Welcome to the story of the female body, as penned by men. Today, a new generation of (mostly) women scientists is finally redrawing the map. With modern tools and fresh perspectives, they're looking at the organs traditionally bound up in reproduction-the uterus, ovaries, vagina-and seeing within them a new biology of change and resilience. Through their eyes, journalist Rachel E. Gross takes readers on an anatomical odyssey to the center of this new world-a world where the uterus regrows itself, ovaries pump out fresh eggs, and the clitoris pulses beneath the surface like a shimmering pyramid of nerves. Full of wit and wonder, Vagina Obscura is a celebratory testament to how the landscape of knowledge can be rewritten to better serve everyone"--… (altro)
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» Vedi le 2 citazioni

This book has lots of interesting information about reproductive anatomy and physiology. I'd read that the clitoris is bigger than what we see, which is just the tip of it, but I didn't know what that meant. Amazingly it has bulbs that reach around the vagina. To see a good picture you can check google images. The Atlantic shows a plastic copy Oh, and she describes the odors associated with bacterial vaginosis as byproducts of putrescine and cadaverine. You don't need to smell it to know what it smells like. The book is well worth reading. ( )
  Citizenjoyce | Jun 4, 2024 |
Must read

This book is a must read. It covers how generations of bias have left us with a shockingly incomplete understanding of female anatomy and discusses recent developments in gaining a more complete understanding leading towards great improvements in quality of life for people with vaginas. ( )
  megacool24 | Dec 18, 2023 |
Such a great book and amazingly informative but I had 2 problems : first : some chapters draaaged into not-so-relevant historical bits , and a lot of goddamn names that I just kept on forgetting , 2nd : we start with a certain scientist and then we go down the rabbit hole into more and more scientists then we go back to the original one which is probably forgotten given the big size of each chapter . Other than that , everyone must read that book including medical students to have a surface glimpse into the ocean that is female anatomy ❤️❤️ ( )
  Jessicaby234 | Apr 30, 2023 |
I saw the cover and at first, because of the style, I somehow thought it was a metaphor and a book aimed at teenagers. It isn't; this is for adults. This examines scientific views over the years, social aspects over the years, and how medicine has changed or not, over the years, around vaginas and how people with them are treated. IT HAS A CHAPTER ON ENDOMETRIOSIS. ENDOMETRIOSIS IS TREATED WITH RESPECT. I have endo, so I was absolutely thrilled. I wanted to somehow hug the ebook edition I was reading. The book talks at length about gender-variant people, and has a whole chapter solely dedicated to trans women. They're mentioned throughout the book, too. I'm so glad I read this. I hope it's widely read and continues to be successful. ( )
  iszevthere | Jul 27, 2022 |
With each chapter dedicated to an organ, from ovaries to clitoris and everything in between, Gross invites the reader aboard a mesmerizing anatomical voyage through the female reproductive system. The author discusses historical, often laughably inaccurate, theories about the organs' functions and purposes, and then provides fascinating, up-to-date information as the result of contemporary research and inquiry. The gorgeous and fanciful illustrations were top-notch. It was eye-opening for me to consciously connect the majority of physicians throughout history being male to the meager amount of knowledge about and research dedicated to women's reproductive health, to the point of dismissal of same. In hindsight, though unjust, it makes sense that men were focused primarily on their own issues, but it also illustrates how much catching up there is to do, and one cannot help but wonder what exciting breakthroughs remain to be unearthed. ( )
  ryner | Jun 24, 2022 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Rachel E. Grossautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Kudak, KelseyFact checkerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Veve, ArmandoIllustrator, cover artistautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Welch, ChrisDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wilkinson, SarahmayProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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This book was written for any woman⁠—any person⁠—who has found themself mystified by their own body. Anyone who has felt the nagging suspicion that what they have read about their anatomy wasn't written for them, or by someone like them. You were right. This book was written for you. It was written for anyone who has felt unable to talk about their body in language that others could understand. Anyone who wants to better understand the legacy they were born with, by virtue of their reproductive organs and the chromosomes dancing within their every cell.

I hope this book welcomes you in as the remarkable women and explorers in this book welcomed me.
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There comes a time in every woman's life when her body bumps up against the limits of human knowledge. (introduction)
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"A scientific journey to the center of the new female body. The Latin term for the female genitalia, pudendum, means "parts for which you should be ashamed." Until 1651, ovaries were called female testicles. The fallopian tubes are named for a man. Named, claimed, and shamed: Welcome to the story of the female body, as penned by men. Today, a new generation of (mostly) women scientists is finally redrawing the map. With modern tools and fresh perspectives, they're looking at the organs traditionally bound up in reproduction-the uterus, ovaries, vagina-and seeing within them a new biology of change and resilience. Through their eyes, journalist Rachel E. Gross takes readers on an anatomical odyssey to the center of this new world-a world where the uterus regrows itself, ovaries pump out fresh eggs, and the clitoris pulses beneath the surface like a shimmering pyramid of nerves. Full of wit and wonder, Vagina Obscura is a celebratory testament to how the landscape of knowledge can be rewritten to better serve everyone"--

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