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di Echo Heron

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501528,538 (3.07)Nessuno
"ENGROSSING ([An] intriguing combination of nurse and detective story." --Library Journal With a sharp eye and even sharper pen, Echo Heron stunned the world with her gritty, passionate, brutally honest account of a nurse's daily life in her national bestseller, Intensive Care. Now she turns her humor, honesty and compassion to a gripping story of a nurse facing burnout. Cat Richardson is battle weary and disillusioned. With a heart--and a mouth--as big as her 12EEE shoes, she's continually bucking a system choked by hospital politics, egomaniacal doctors, frustrated co-workers. After twenty-five-hour days battling chaos, and caring for patients who desperately need her, Cat is losing both patience and her mind. Then an intriguing police detective investigating the brutal beating of a celebrated artist breathes new life into her frantic, loveless existence, and a special patient nurtures her fading spirit...even as danger strikes perilously close to home (. A Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daprengel90, DawnRWilliams, Kimberlyhi, CAPS_, bajudd
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This novel centers around Catalina Richardson, a nurse approaching burnout after 20 years, and the lives of five of her patients. Two are dying, two need to put their lives back together, and one has been dumped at the hospital more for a lack of anywhere else to go than for any real medical need. The stories chronicle the attempts by the nurse, patients and their loved ones, separately and together, to cope with their situations. Catalina needs to decide if she can continue as a nurse. In addition, she is reluctantly accepting mentoring in psychic powers from a newsdealer operating a stand in the hospital lobby. One of her patients is the victim of a brutal attack, and Cat becomes very involved in her life, and acquires a romantic interest in the detective investigating the crime. I found the book involving, once I had gotten into the lives of the various characters. There are a lot of life-and-death issues to ponder, and I plan to read the remaining books in the series. The book and the characters may seem a little crude at times, but I think that goes with dealing so intimately with the ailing human body. ( )
  PuddinTame | Apr 5, 2008 |
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"ENGROSSING ([An] intriguing combination of nurse and detective story." --Library Journal With a sharp eye and even sharper pen, Echo Heron stunned the world with her gritty, passionate, brutally honest account of a nurse's daily life in her national bestseller, Intensive Care. Now she turns her humor, honesty and compassion to a gripping story of a nurse facing burnout. Cat Richardson is battle weary and disillusioned. With a heart--and a mouth--as big as her 12EEE shoes, she's continually bucking a system choked by hospital politics, egomaniacal doctors, frustrated co-workers. After twenty-five-hour days battling chaos, and caring for patients who desperately need her, Cat is losing both patience and her mind. Then an intriguing police detective investigating the brutal beating of a celebrated artist breathes new life into her frantic, loveless existence, and a special patient nurtures her fading spirit...even as danger strikes perilously close to home (. A Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate

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