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GMAT Official Guide Verbal Review 2022: Book Online Question Bank

di Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)

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Add over 340 verbal practice questions to your prep. Designed by the makers of the GMAT(tm) exam. Your official source of real GMAT questions from past exams. Set yourself up for success with extra practice on the verbal section of the GMAT exam. Study with over 340 practice questions not included in the main Official Guide. Study answer explanations to understand the reasoning behind the answers to help improve your performance. GMAT practice questions are organized by difficulty level: easy, medium and hard. Start at the beginning and work your way up to the hard questions as you build upon your knowledge. All practice questions are from past GMAT exams. The GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2022 provides 3 ways to study: Book: Know what to expect on the GMAT exam Learn the exam structure with an introductory review chapter followed by 25 practice questions. Review common formulas and concepts using quick reference sheets. Master quantitative reasoning with over 340 practice questions from past GMAT exams, organized by difficulty level. GMAT Online Prep Tools: Focus your studying - Bonus: included with purchase! Practice online with the same questions from the book. Create custom practice sets by difficulty level and by fundamental skill. Track your progress using performance metrics. Prepare for exam day by timing your practicing in exam mode. Test your knowledge of key concepts with flash cards. Mobile App: Your GMAT prep on the go Study offline after downloading the question sets. Sync between devices. Start on your phone, finish on your computer. Add GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2022 to your GMAT prep; the official source of practice questions from past GMAT exams. This product includes print book with a unique access code to the Online Question Bank and Mobile App.… (altro)
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Add over 340 verbal practice questions to your prep. Designed by the makers of the GMAT(tm) exam. Your official source of real GMAT questions from past exams. Set yourself up for success with extra practice on the verbal section of the GMAT exam. Study with over 340 practice questions not included in the main Official Guide. Study answer explanations to understand the reasoning behind the answers to help improve your performance. GMAT practice questions are organized by difficulty level: easy, medium and hard. Start at the beginning and work your way up to the hard questions as you build upon your knowledge. All practice questions are from past GMAT exams. The GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2022 provides 3 ways to study: Book: Know what to expect on the GMAT exam Learn the exam structure with an introductory review chapter followed by 25 practice questions. Review common formulas and concepts using quick reference sheets. Master quantitative reasoning with over 340 practice questions from past GMAT exams, organized by difficulty level. GMAT Online Prep Tools: Focus your studying - Bonus: included with purchase! Practice online with the same questions from the book. Create custom practice sets by difficulty level and by fundamental skill. Track your progress using performance metrics. Prepare for exam day by timing your practicing in exam mode. Test your knowledge of key concepts with flash cards. Mobile App: Your GMAT prep on the go Study offline after downloading the question sets. Sync between devices. Start on your phone, finish on your computer. Add GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2022 to your GMAT prep; the official source of practice questions from past GMAT exams. This product includes print book with a unique access code to the Online Question Bank and Mobile App.

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