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The Covered Wife

di Lisa Emanuel

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Sarah is a smart, young lawyer living in Bondi when she falls head over heels. Daniel is handsome, passionate and is part of the kind of large, chaotically loving family Sarah longed for as an only child. When Daniel introduces her to a charismatic young couple, rabbi Menachem Lev and his wife, Chani, despite herself, Sarah is drawn in by the vibrant community at the beachside synagogue. By the time the couple move to the Jamison Valley, where Menachem and Chani have established a community of believers, Sarah can't imagine life without the joy, purpose and love she's discovered. Four years on, youthful passion has given way to something darker. The community will celebrate its first wedding, between the beautiful convert, Avital, and a much older divorcee, but no one seems to be able to give a clear explanation of where Rebecca, his wife, has gone. In the lead up to the wedding a series of terrifying truths emerges that rock Sarah's world and cause her to question everything - her faith, her marriage, and her future.… (altro)
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Told in first person narrative, it took me a while to realise this was a novel, not a memoir. To me, this exhibited the skill of the author (who also narrated the audio) and her delivery of an authentic, credible story. A young professional woman from the Eastern Suburbs (NSW) falls in love, embraces her Jewish heritage and joins an Orthodox group. Recommended. ( )
  Mercef | Mar 23, 2022 |
How do you go from being an independent lawyer to a highly observant Hasidic wife? This book does a great job of exploring how it could happen, and what the consequences could be. Well-written and gripping with characters I genuinely cared about. ( )
  Amzzz | Oct 25, 2021 |
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Sarah is a smart, young lawyer living in Bondi when she falls head over heels. Daniel is handsome, passionate and is part of the kind of large, chaotically loving family Sarah longed for as an only child. When Daniel introduces her to a charismatic young couple, rabbi Menachem Lev and his wife, Chani, despite herself, Sarah is drawn in by the vibrant community at the beachside synagogue. By the time the couple move to the Jamison Valley, where Menachem and Chani have established a community of believers, Sarah can't imagine life without the joy, purpose and love she's discovered. Four years on, youthful passion has given way to something darker. The community will celebrate its first wedding, between the beautiful convert, Avital, and a much older divorcee, but no one seems to be able to give a clear explanation of where Rebecca, his wife, has gone. In the lead up to the wedding a series of terrifying truths emerges that rock Sarah's world and cause her to question everything - her faith, her marriage, and her future.

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