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Carolina Christmas

di Sherryl Woods

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Holiday tradition takes a surprising turn in this beloved Christmas novella from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods, originally published in 2006 as "Santa, Baby" in Dashing Through the Mall
Newly divorced Amy Riley has just moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, with her two children. Anxious to cheer them up, Amy takes the kids to the mall on Christmas Eve to see Santa Claus. When her young son, Josh, disappears in the crowd, their family tradition quickly escalates into a crisis, and Amy must enlist the man in the red suit himself to help find her son.
The last thing police officer Nick DiCaprio wanted to do on Christmas Eve was play Santa Claus at the local mall. But when Josh goes missing, he's suddenly grateful that his sister persuaded him to help out that night. As he and Amy search for the little boy, sparks begin to fly for this most unlikely couple.
Titles originally published in 2006.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daPaulaLT, SandraLynne
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When Amy Riley’s young son gets lost in the crowd at the mall on Christmas Eve on his way to see Santa, it’s Santa himself (cop Nick DiCaprio dressed as Santa) who helps Amy search for her son. This was a nice Christmas novella, although I did find it a bit silly that Amy was falling for Nick even though he was dressed as Santa the whole time. The story had some serious themes, but it was balanced out by Christmas fun, as well. ( )
  PaulaLT | Dec 31, 2021 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Holiday tradition takes a surprising turn in this beloved Christmas novella from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods, originally published in 2006 as "Santa, Baby" in Dashing Through the Mall
Newly divorced Amy Riley has just moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, with her two children. Anxious to cheer them up, Amy takes the kids to the mall on Christmas Eve to see Santa Claus. When her young son, Josh, disappears in the crowd, their family tradition quickly escalates into a crisis, and Amy must enlist the man in the red suit himself to help find her son.
The last thing police officer Nick DiCaprio wanted to do on Christmas Eve was play Santa Claus at the local mall. But when Josh goes missing, he's suddenly grateful that his sister persuaded him to help out that night. As he and Amy search for the little boy, sparks begin to fly for this most unlikely couple.
Titles originally published in 2006.

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