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Laughing Under the Clouds, Volume 1

di Kemuri Karakara

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361701,125 (3.8)Nessuno
Under the curse of Orochi, the great demon serpent reborn every 300 years, Japan has been shrouded in clouds for as long as anyone can remember... The era of the samurai is at an end, and carrying swords has been outlawed. To combat the rising crime rates, an inescapable prison was built in the middle of Lake Biwa. When brothers Tenka, Soramaru and Chutaro Kumo are hired to capture and transport offenders to their final lodgings in this prison, they unexpectedly find themselves faced with a greater destiny than any of them could have imagined.… (altro)
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I don’t quite have this manga figured out. I think I need book two to understand more of what is happening. Three brothers and a housemate (who appears to be 600 years old) ferry prisoners to the prison, or catch the ones that escape. Part of why I find it confusing is because of my limited history knowledge of the samurai. At times they seem evil and others times a hero. I only know what I have learned from movies and let's just say western culture does a bad job teaching eastern culture. I prefer the main story to the second story in the book that takes place 100 years earlier. And while I found this book interesting. I don’t think I found it interesting enough to pick up the sequel. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | May 3, 2021 |
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Under the curse of Orochi, the great demon serpent reborn every 300 years, Japan has been shrouded in clouds for as long as anyone can remember... The era of the samurai is at an end, and carrying swords has been outlawed. To combat the rising crime rates, an inescapable prison was built in the middle of Lake Biwa. When brothers Tenka, Soramaru and Chutaro Kumo are hired to capture and transport offenders to their final lodgings in this prison, they unexpectedly find themselves faced with a greater destiny than any of them could have imagined.

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