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From the River to the Sea: The Untold Story of the Railroad War That Made the West

di John Sedgwick

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John Sedgwick recounts the decade-long fight between General William J. Palmer, the Civil War hero leading the "little family" of his Rio Grande, coming down from Denver, hoping to showcase the majesty of the Rockies, and William Barstow Strong, the hard-nosed manager of the corporate-minded Santa Fe, venturing west from Kansas. What begins as an accidental rivalry when the two lines cross in Colorado soon evolves into an all-out battle as each man tries to outdo the other--claiming exclusive routes through mountains, narrow passes, and the richest silver mines in the world; enlisting private armies to protect their land and lawyers to find loopholes; dispatching spies to gain information; and even using the power of the press and incurring the wrath of the God-like Robber Baron Jay Gould--to emerge victorious. By the end of the century, one man will fade into anonymity and disgrace. The other will achieve unparalleled success--and in the process, transform a sleepy backwater of thirty thousand called "Los Angeles" into a booming metropolis that will forever change the United States.… (altro)
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Sedgwick covers a nice piece of the western development story, that being of two competitors building railroad lines from the Midwest to southern California. ( )
  exfed | Nov 20, 2022 |
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Each was what the other had not chosen to be, the cast-off self, what he thought he hated but perhaps in reality loved. - Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train
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For Patrick McGrath
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(Prologue) L.A. The only city in the world that goes just by its intials, like the self-assured global celebrity it is.
(Introduction) William Barstow Strong and General William Jackson Palmer met three times over the course of their decade-long fight to run tracks from Colorado to the sea, but the visits did nothing to warm the two men to each other.
Shortly before seven o'clock on the bitter, snowy evening of February 26, 1878, two men, both traveling lightly but well bundled against the cold, boarded a Rio Grande train in Pueblo, Colorado, on the edge of the Rockies south of Denver.
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John Sedgwick recounts the decade-long fight between General William J. Palmer, the Civil War hero leading the "little family" of his Rio Grande, coming down from Denver, hoping to showcase the majesty of the Rockies, and William Barstow Strong, the hard-nosed manager of the corporate-minded Santa Fe, venturing west from Kansas. What begins as an accidental rivalry when the two lines cross in Colorado soon evolves into an all-out battle as each man tries to outdo the other--claiming exclusive routes through mountains, narrow passes, and the richest silver mines in the world; enlisting private armies to protect their land and lawyers to find loopholes; dispatching spies to gain information; and even using the power of the press and incurring the wrath of the God-like Robber Baron Jay Gould--to emerge victorious. By the end of the century, one man will fade into anonymity and disgrace. The other will achieve unparalleled success--and in the process, transform a sleepy backwater of thirty thousand called "Los Angeles" into a booming metropolis that will forever change the United States.

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