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A Distant Shore

di Karen Kingsbury

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Reconnecting with a woman whose life he saved when they were both children, FBI secret agent Jack Ryder finds himself falling unexpectedly in love during a dangerous mission involving the woman's arranged marriage.
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Mostra 5 di 5
MIRACLES HAPPEN! I read a Karen Kingsbury books that actually exceeded my expectations. Now, it could be because they were so low to start out with....but whatever. I will TAKE it.

Perhaps it is because Karen got out of her usual niche. The Baxters were nowhere to be found. And trust me, I like the Baxters. Well, somewhat. But I digress. This book was not set in Bloomington, Indiana with the perfect family scenarios (because face it, most usually are). Rather, this book is set on the shores of Belize and deep in the heart of Texas--with a young woman caught up in sex trafficking and a FBI agent with little to lose.

I had hoped the book would have more elements of "the evil patriarch" (as opposed to killing him off in the first quarter of the book.) I felt there were unanswered questions about what got him into trafficking to begin with. However, as opposed to going down that route, we went down a "Redeeming Love" like storyline which considering I love that book, I didn't mind.

Yes, it still wrapped up nicely. Yes, it ended how I thought. (Come on, if you didn't think the girl and guy would get together and survive "the close calls with evil" then you don't know the genre well at ALL). Still, I stayed up way too late finishing it. I actually WANTED to finish it. Do you know how rare that has been for me where Karen Kingsbury is concerned lately? I would really like to see Karen continue to expand her repertoire.....something, anything. ( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
I have never read a Christian fiction faith book before and did not know that is what this book was when I bought it.
The story was good it is about human trafficking, although it is not at all graphic regarding the cruelty and suffering that actually takes place. The story is very predictable, it becomes far more religious in the second half, so if this will bother you skip the book.
The writing however is very good.
If this is a genre of books you like, you will probably like this book. ( )
  zmagic69 | Mar 31, 2023 |
I haven't read anything by Karen Kingsbury for a while and I was trying to get away from suspense, but I was curious to see the two combined. I wasn't disappointed and enjoyed this book thoroughly. She did a good job in her research and presented a believable story. ( )
  eliorajoy | Sep 29, 2021 |
Title: A Distant Shore
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Pages: 384
Year: 2021
Publisher: Atria Books
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
It has been a while since I have read a book written by this author, so when I came across this title my interest was piqued. After reading the synopsis, I knew I just had to read the story, and I am so glad I did. I sat down to read and was hooked.
The story focuses on two people each have heartbreak in their lives that impacts their days ahead. First, there is Lizzie James who is a young Mennonite girl living in Belize with her mother Susan and younger brother Daniel. Lizzie James’ father isn’t in the picture, and no one knows where he went or why. Then, there is Jack Ryder whose future looks promising as a star quarterback for a college team. Jack’s brother, Shane, is Jack’s closest friend and the two have a very special bond. When tragedy strikes Jack’s family, Jack hardens his heart and drives himself daily no matter how dangerous the situation is for the FBI agent.
These two characters lives intersect twice though years apart. When they realize who the other is and what occurred many years ago at a beach, they will never be the same. The novel is one of heartbreak and hope, tragedy and new life. I was mesmerized at the way the author handles the difficult subject of people selling other people, and those who dare to rescue them. I applaud the author’s way of showing that there is hope and redemption where none would seem to exist. There are no descriptive scenes in the book and for that I was thankful. Karen pulls back the veil to reveal an ugly reality, but then she also shows the bravery of those who bring freedom.
Each chapter begins with a Scripture verse that helps readers focus not on the evil, but on the story of courage, integrity, and how God brings beauty from ashes. I highly recommend this book not just to read but to share with others. Anyone who could use a message of hope would find this tale brilliant.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. ( )
  lamb521 | Aug 2, 2021 |
A thrilling love story of two people living on the edge of danger. Jack saved Eliza once, can he do it again, years later....
  SABC | May 10, 2021 |
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Reconnecting with a woman whose life he saved when they were both children, FBI secret agent Jack Ryder finds himself falling unexpectedly in love during a dangerous mission involving the woman's arranged marriage.

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