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The Alpha Plague 5

di Michael Robertson

Serie: The Alpha Plague (5)

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Not only has Vicky made it to Home - an underground self-sufficient complex - in one piece, but Flynn has turned up, too, following behind after her when she'd feared he'd died. Now that they're secure, Vicky can keep Flynn safer than she's been able to since the outbreak over a decade ago. At least that's the plan. However, in this new world, where the diseased roam free, there's always a threat hiding in the shadows. Having convinced herself Home would be safe, Vicky has to come to terms with the fact that nowhere's safe in this world anymore. And maybe the biggest threat comes from within the complex rather than outside of it. With her senses more finely tuned than ever before, Vicky must remain as vigilant as she always has if she's going to survive among the diseased and the healthy, and maybe she should give Flynn the responsibility he both deserves and is more than capable of handling.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLinBee83, clairefun, yamanoor, N3ACP, JPodlaski
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Michael Robertson sticks it to us again...and I'm loving it! I thought this was a five-book series and found myself both disappointed and happy that the series is continuing. Flynn proves his worth and finally rescues Vicky from one of their forever predicaments. Somebody on the inside of HOME is a traitor and killing innocents. Vicky and Flynn also discover that their neighbors are a greater threat to them than the zombies. A lot of twists and turns leaving readers out of breath when the story ends. The ending is something that was never expected at the beginning. Now, I have to wait patiently for Mr. Robertson's keen imagination and writing style to kick out another edge of your seat thriller! Don't take long!

John Podlaski, author
"Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel" and "When Can I Stop Running?" ( )
  JPodlaski | Sep 5, 2016 |
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Not only has Vicky made it to Home - an underground self-sufficient complex - in one piece, but Flynn has turned up, too, following behind after her when she'd feared he'd died. Now that they're secure, Vicky can keep Flynn safer than she's been able to since the outbreak over a decade ago. At least that's the plan. However, in this new world, where the diseased roam free, there's always a threat hiding in the shadows. Having convinced herself Home would be safe, Vicky has to come to terms with the fact that nowhere's safe in this world anymore. And maybe the biggest threat comes from within the complex rather than outside of it. With her senses more finely tuned than ever before, Vicky must remain as vigilant as she always has if she's going to survive among the diseased and the healthy, and maybe she should give Flynn the responsibility he both deserves and is more than capable of handling.

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