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Behind the Flame: An Everyday Heroes World Book (The Everyday Heroes World)

di Renee Harless

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Aggiunto di recente dareadonreader, Shelly85
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"She was on fire an only knew of one way to extinguish the burn. She needed him mor than she needed her next breath."

Ok Ladies (or Gents), who doesn't want a hot fireman living across the street from you? Hmm? I know I wouldn't mind one bit!

So, Ridge leaves his life in California to move to Carson, NC where he has a multitude of cousins after his ex-wife abandons their infant daughter on his doorstep. River, leaves her home in Asheville, NC to move to Carson for a new job and and so that her grandmother can be moved to the nice assisted living facility there.

It's not long before the sparks start flying between the neighbors, and while they both agree they should keep it casual because of his line of work and erratic hours, that never really works out in a romance book, does it? Try as they might, they can't deny that what they have between them is anything but casual. KABOOM!

Throw in some mysterious letters delivered to both their houses, and a criminal element lurking in the shadows into the mix, and you've got a great story!!

It was great to see Grady and Dylan from Combust make an appearance too!!

Check out the Every Day Heros World!! ( )
  Shelly85 | Jan 16, 2021 |
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