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Not Now, but Now

di M. F. K. Fisher

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1032273,042 (3.67)12
Those who court danger are often the most circumspect. In this stylish novel, M. F. K. Fisher traces the course of Jennie, a willful wandering woman, a lovely enchantress calculating the havoc caused by her life of danger and license. Jennie's path is devastating to those around her, a sinister invasion. But Jennie, more Lilith than Eve, survives unscathed. First published in 1947, Not Now But Now traces the subtleties and nuances of a woman's mind. Jennie is not controlled by others, nor by time, and we follow her through separate eras and beautifully drawn settings. Whether in San Francisco, Chicago, Lausanne, or Paris, Jennie is surrounded by sensuality, fine food and furniture, and beautiful clothes. Those not yet familiar with Fisher's style will delight in her careful, exact prose. She is the author of several books, including How to Cook a Wolf, A Considerable Town, The Cooking of Provincial France, and As They Were.… (altro)
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Those who court danger are often the most circumspect. In this stylish novel, M. F. K. Fisher traces the course of Jennie, a willful wandering woman, a lovely enchantress calculating the havoc caused by her life of danger and license. Jennie's path is devastating to those around her, a sinister invasion. But Jennie, more Lilith than Eve, survives unscathed. First published in 1947, Not Now But Now traces the subtleties and nuances of a woman's mind. Jennie is not controlled by others, nor by time, and we follow her through separate eras and beautifully drawn settings. Whether in San Francisco, Chicago, Lausanne, or Paris, Jennie is surrounded by sensuality, fine food and furniture, and beautiful clothes. Those not yet familiar with Fisher's style will delight in her careful, exact prose. She is the author of several books, including How to Cook a Wolf, A Considerable Town, The Cooking of Provincial France, and As They Were.

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