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Charlotte and Aiden (Magical Midway #0.5)

di Leanne Leeds

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Aggiunto di recente daJuliW
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There are two things I love best when it comes to reading....discovering a new-to-me author/series and reading an introductory short story that makes me want to read an entire series. Charlotte and Aiden gave me both!

Leanne Leeds writes the Magical Midway Paranormal Cozy Mystery series. There are few things cooler than a supernatural travelling circus! The short story Charlotte and Aiden introduces characters from the series, and a side character that pops in again in book 4 of the series. The story definitely made me want to read the entire series! There are five books so far.

The basics: Charlotte needs a date to a friend's wedding in six months. But she's hesitant...partly because she really doesn't want a boyfriend, but mostly because she's a witch. And witches don't mix well with humans. But then she meets Aiden Parker. Turns out they are both relationship challenged for different reasons, but they can help each other get through the six months until the wedding. Charlotte enjoys Aiden's company, even though she has to keep big portions of her life a secret. Nobody can know what she is....or the truth about her family's circus. Magic. Shapeshifters. It all has to stay secret.

This sounds like a fun, entertaining and magical series! This story was a great intro to the characters and basic plot! I have book one, Witchiest Circus on Earth, queued up on my e-reader and ready to go! :) ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
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