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Easy Prey di John Sandford
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Easy Prey (originale 2000; edizione 2004)

di John Sandford

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2,221277,429 (3.85)14
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Lucas Davenport investigates an unsettling series of murders in this classic novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series—and this one is John Sandford “at the top of his game” (New York Post)…
/> In life she was a high-profile model. In death she is the focus of a media firestorm that’s demanding action from Lucas Davenport. One of his own men is a suspect in her murder. But when a series of bizarre, seemingly unrelated slayings rock the city, Davenport suspects a connection that runs deeper than anyone had imagined—one that leads to an ingenious killer more ruthless than anyone had feared...

Titolo:Easy Prey
Autori:John Sandford
Info:Pocket Books (2004), Paperback, 512 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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» Vedi le 14 citazioni

This one was a little different as we did not get the bad guy's commentary through the book. It was a good twist. ( )
  shanep | Aug 23, 2024 |
(2000)Easiest to read because it didn't get down & grisly like his others. But it had a forgettable story that involved the Twin Cities arts/movie crowd (?).From Publishers WeeklyThe 12th entry in Sandford's ever-entertaining Prey series (Certain Prey, etc.) finds Minneapolis Deputy Police Chief Lucas Davenport again rambling through a murky case with his unique combination of gutsy intelligence and aw-shucks attitude. Fashion model Alie'e Maison has been found dead in a back bedroom, seemingly strangled at a chic party. Then--typical of Davenport's luck--the body of a second woman tumbles out of a closet just as the investigating cops get ready to leave the scene. There's no shortage of suspects who could have killed Alie'e: her boyfriend, for instance, recently dropped in favor of a lesbian lover, or her brother, a backwoods holy man who disapproved of his sister's lifestyle. There are Alie'e's parents, who could be trying to cover up a history of sexual abuse; the local drug dealer who supplied Alie'e with heroin; and the oily banker who appears to be the money behind the drug dealer. As many of these suspects get murdered, one by one, including those connected to the second victim in the closet, it's clear that the killer remains at large. That makes Davenport and his colleagues look foolish in the eyes of the media horde descending on the case. To make matters worse, Davenport's having women trouble again, torn among three beauties who want to bed him. As always, it's a joy to follow this rare cop who gets led more often by his gut instinct than by clues. His humor, understated and perverse, can be wildly funny, and the people he runs across are shrewdly conceived originals, cut from fabric way at the back of the bin.
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Reread of an earlier, tougher Davenport police procedural. ( )
  fwbl | Jun 23, 2023 |
The title "Easy Prey" refers to not only the victims but to Lucas Davenport. I don't think Lucas has had this many female options in one book before. Who would he choose? I even had suspicions that one lady was the killer or at least killed some of the people. I kept waiting and waiting. Then the book ends with a phone call with a female caller. So mean! I must read the next book, "Chosen Prey." ( )
  nab6215 | Jan 18, 2022 |
Smaak is in de loop van de jaren wel veranderd, ik vind er niet veel aan. Volgehouden tot ruim over de helft. ( )
  tantanel | Jul 18, 2021 |
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John Sandfordautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Ferrone, RichardNarratorautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jansen in de Wal, MartinTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Een bekend topmodel met een decadente, gevaarlijke
levensstijl. Een verleden vol geheimen.
Een van haat vervulde moordenaar.
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For Stephen and Colleen Camp
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When the first man woke up that morning, he wasn't thinking about killing anyone.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Lucas Davenport investigates an unsettling series of murders in this classic novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series—and this one is John Sandford “at the top of his game” (New York Post)…
In life she was a high-profile model. In death she is the focus of a media firestorm that’s demanding action from Lucas Davenport. One of his own men is a suspect in her murder. But when a series of bizarre, seemingly unrelated slayings rock the city, Davenport suspects a connection that runs deeper than anyone had imagined—one that leads to an ingenious killer more ruthless than anyone had feared...


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Media: (3.85)
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4 164
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