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Eternal Curse: (The Cursed Series, Book 1)

di Kara Leigh Miller

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After pulling the plug on her mother's life support, seventeen-year-old Chloe Madison moves to live with relatives she hardly knows. Her new hometown in the Adirondack Mountains is barely more than a pinpoint on the map, but it's shrouded in deadly secrets and strange family legends. Chloe is determined to keep her head down, finish high school, and get the heck out of there. Until she meets the enigmatic Trent Halstead. Something intriguing hides beneath his quiet self-assurance and hero hair. Maybe there's something-or someone-worth sticking around for after all. But when a rash of unsolved murders leaves two of Chloe's classmates dead, she begins to suffer from disturbing hallucinations that build to the horrifying image of Trent as a murderous vampire. With nowhere else to go, she's stuck in a town she hates, surrounded by people she can't trust, and she's pretty sure she's going to be lunch.… (altro)
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After the death of her mother, seventeen year old Chloe Madison leaves her Florida home to live with her Aunt, Uncle and Cousin Abby in the secluded Adirondack town of Keene Valley, NY. The move is hard on Chloe, especially after losing the only parent she has ever known. Luckily, Chloe's cousin Abby helps her adjust to her new school along with fellow new kid, Trent Halstead. Chloe falls into a new routine and becomes friendly with Trent. However, Chloe seems to be haunted by strange visions and panic attacks. Then, a series of deaths of their classmates rocks the small town. Chloe's visions intensify and force Trent to reveal the truth about his family along with another family in town. Now Chloe's life is in danger as she is caught in the middle of a century long family feud.

Eternal Curse is the first book of a vampire paranormal romance series. The author is upfront about this series being inspired by Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, so there are obvious similarities. Eternal Curse offers a unique storyline with some familiar elements along with well developed characters. Chloe captured my attention with the mystery surrounding her mother's death along with how she was carrying her grief while trying to fit into a new school and home. Trent's character wasn't as deeply explored, however, I did like the story of his creation, his family and the curse. The addition of the Zoya family also took the story in a different direction. I did like that Chloe's Aunt and Uncle were very involved and protective, especially with the deaths in town. The romance was sweet and not super rushed, although it seemed to move pretty quickly. I absolutely loved the setting in the Adirondacks. I have visited this area before and could easily imagine the waterfalls, back roads, school and even Adirondack Street. The suspense in the story swiftly picked up and continued through the surprising ending. I definitely want to see where this series goes next.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review. ( )
  Mishker | Dec 19, 2020 |
At 17, Chloe has lost her mom, so she has to go live with relatives. She meets Trent in her new town and thinks that this place ain't so bad. Suddenly two of her classmates are killed. No suspects. Trent has two secrets that he doesn't want anyone to know. Can Chloe save him? ( )
  cutelittleears | Oct 27, 2020 |
I'd never read any of Kara Leigh Miller's book but I'm so glad that I was able to read this one. Having the strength to go on after loosing your mother, moving to a new home and seeing what life could be for you. A rollercoaster of emotions with amazing characters, wishing that I would be there watching over all that is happening. This is a book that has to be read, then book 2 , and 3 , then start over and read them again. ( )
  Laura_D_Benjamin | Oct 25, 2020 |
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After pulling the plug on her mother's life support, seventeen-year-old Chloe Madison moves to live with relatives she hardly knows. Her new hometown in the Adirondack Mountains is barely more than a pinpoint on the map, but it's shrouded in deadly secrets and strange family legends. Chloe is determined to keep her head down, finish high school, and get the heck out of there. Until she meets the enigmatic Trent Halstead. Something intriguing hides beneath his quiet self-assurance and hero hair. Maybe there's something-or someone-worth sticking around for after all. But when a rash of unsolved murders leaves two of Chloe's classmates dead, she begins to suffer from disturbing hallucinations that build to the horrifying image of Trent as a murderous vampire. With nowhere else to go, she's stuck in a town she hates, surrounded by people she can't trust, and she's pretty sure she's going to be lunch.

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