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Try Me (Extracurricular Activities Book 2)

di Neve Wilder

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I've loved all the full length novels I've read from Neve until now, so this was a bit of a disappointment. The first third of this book was good: the tension held, the groundwork was solid, I was invested. From then on, my interest started waning, and the epilogue was completely unnecessary. I'm also fed up with the completely predictable "rich politician father tries to keep the star crossed lovers apart" conflict. Why not just write relatable, real life conflict every fricken couple goes through at some point? Or if you want to raise the stakes, at least come up with something original. I'll admit, if this was a new to me author, maybe I would have been more lenient. As it is, I was expecting something a lot more well crafted. ( )
  tuusannuuska | Dec 1, 2022 |
Read this book as part of the 2020 Members' Choice Awards Challenge.
Categories: Best Coming of Age, Best Enemies to Lovers, Best Family Drama, Best Sexual Discovery ( )
  NannyOgg13 | Feb 1, 2022 |
[π because math gives me nightmares but i survived today's exam ( )
  loqiton | Aug 1, 2021 |
I was promised less sex (true) and more story than in Want Me (debatable). It started out good, there IS a story but it stalled early on and nothing much happened after that. In the end it just petered out without any more excitement. I wouldn't even say it was hot. :/

I also didn't see much of the rivalry the blurb speaks of. There is banter yes, but it's not nearly as enjoyable as in the author's other books.And it was said it's not a serial but it might as well be for how some chapters cut off abruptly and the next to start in a different setting.

I do however continue to love the writing in general, the word choices and phrases. Though I wish the word arousal would be forgotten forever and ever. *annoyed*I didn't expect another Want Me, but this was a letdown. ( )
  Gabi90 | Apr 18, 2021 |

( )
  ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
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