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Mondo senza fine (2007)

di Ken Follett

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Saga di Kingsbridge (3), Saga di Kingsbridge (2)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
12,858319489 (4.05)1 / 462
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

#1 New York Times Bestseller

In 1989, Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected.

World Without End is its equally irresistible sequel—set two hundred years after The Pillars of the Earth and three hundred years after the Kingsbridge prequel, The Evening and the Morning.

World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroads of new ideas—about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race—the Black Death. 

Three years in the writing and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor, World Without End is a "well-researched, beautifully detailed portrait of the late Middle Ages" (The Washington Post) that once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.

.… (altro)
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Nonostante abbia trovato questa trama meno articolata e geniale come invece è stato nei Pilastri della Terra, è un libro che tiene incollati alle pagine, sopra la media del resto dei libri. Inoltre, penso che uno sfondo storico ben fatto, come avviene qui, arricchisca tantissimo un libro. Nonostante all'inizio l'ho trovato un pò troppo "scontato" (cosa che poi è cambiata) e in alcuni tratti un pò troppo cruento (paragonandolo anche al primo libro), si sente inevitabilmente la mancanza dell'ambientazione e dei personaggi una volta finito. ( )
  mdiga | Apr 13, 2021 |
Il seguito de il meraviglioso I pilastri della terra: iniziato con il timore di rimanere delusa, terminato col vento di Kingsbridge tra i capelli... ( )
  rosie.cotton | Apr 23, 2012 |
Aspira ad essere bello come il magnifico Pilastri della Terra ma non lo è. Immaginavo che non potesse avvicinarsi ma non sono riuscito a trattenermi dal leggerlo. ( )
  claudiodefeo | Jun 7, 2008 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (39 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Follett, Kenautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
AnuvelaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Grant, Richard E.Narratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For Barbara
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Gwenda was eight years old, but she was not afraid of the dark.
Ultime parole
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Please distinguish Ken Follett's original 2007 novel, World Without End from any abridged audio edition of the complete work. Thank you.
5.25 in discs
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

#1 New York Times Bestseller

In 1989, Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected.

World Without End is its equally irresistible sequel—set two hundred years after The Pillars of the Earth and three hundred years after the Kingsbridge prequel, The Evening and the Morning.

World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroads of new ideas—about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race—the Black Death. 

Three years in the writing and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor, World Without End is a "well-researched, beautifully detailed portrait of the late Middle Ages" (The Washington Post) that once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.


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Media: (4.05)
0.5 6
1 45
1.5 6
2 88
2.5 43
3 479
3.5 126
4 1085
4.5 156
5 1023

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