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Small Buildings

di Mike Cadwell

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Pamphlet Architecture, begun in 1978 by William Stout and Steven Holl, has become a popular venue for publishing the works and thoughts of a younger generation of architects. Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories.
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In his introduction, Mike Caldwell refers to the gap between architectural abstraction - model making, sketching and drawing - and built reality as the motivating force behind these projects. Caldwell saw his lack of knowledge about how materials actually come together as a gap in what he calls his "sensual education" and undertook these projects as a remedy for that. Instead of simply building a tool shed or a set of shelves, Caldwell carefully thought out four clever hybrid structures - the Bridge-Box, the Drum-Barge, the Ark-Tower and the House-Tunnel. Each project took a familiar form and placed it in an unusual or whimsical situation. The process Caldwell took to arrive at each final form is well-explained and careful without stifling the spirit of structures.

As a recent graduate, I can relate very personally to the feeling of disconnect that Caldwell had about his intellectual education. This sort of this simply isn't taught much in architecture schools these days; one has to independently recognize the defecit and seek to fill it. The power of building something of your design is extraordinary, and PA 17 is a wonderful reminder of how rewarding doing those small, personal projects can be. ( )
  ibbetson | Jun 2, 2006 |
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Pamphlet Architecture, begun in 1978 by William Stout and Steven Holl, has become a popular venue for publishing the works and thoughts of a younger generation of architects. Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories.

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