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Queen's Gambit di Karen Chance
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Queen's Gambit (edizione 2020)

di Karen Chance (Autore)

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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

Dorina Basarab is a dhampirthe feared and hated cross between a vampire and a humanor so she has always believed. She spent most of her life on the fringes of her two worlds, yearning to belong to one or the other, but despised and distrusted by both. Recently, a war in the supernatural community allowed her to gain a foothold in her vampire father's world, one of danger, intrigue, glitz and glamour, where she found not only a home, but a lover, too. For the first time in centuries, life seemed to be going her way. But now, an incident with a dangerous magical device has left her two natures separated into duplicate bodies, both fighting to survive while they search for the truth about their past, and the key to their future.

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This was a great book that didn't quite end on a cliffhanger. You can read the blurbs from others, but I just wanted to say that it didn't quite leave me feeling like I was reading the same action/wake up in bed hurt/action/wake up in bed hurt/rinse and repeat the previous books tended to do.

This book had action but it didn't always end with Dory passing out in bed and waking up with Louis Cesar there to put her back together. There was action, and it was persistent, but it didn't feel like the non-stop, never catch your breath, one thing after another kind of action that is also in this series.

However, there was a LOT of action, but it was varied and there were many "resting" scenes. There was a lot of character development since Dorina was one half the narrative of this book. Also, this wasn’t quite a filler book, but a whole lot happens in a short period of time and the end results could have been summed up quickly but you know that there had to be adventuring to get to it. We get a lot of character insights and there are actually some major character shifts and updates that are needed to be read here.

If you haven't been reading the Cassie Palmer series, then there is going to be a bit of a problem in this book because it is now where the Cassie Palmer and Dory books kind of blend together with common characters and scenes. Scenes that happened in Cassie Palmer are referenced and added to in this book. So, if you haven't started reading that yet, maybe you should start. A lot of what happened in the last two books in the Cassie Palmer series are integral to aspects of this book. You might be able to get away with not reading them, but you will have lost a lot because conversations and actions that happened between characters in Cassie Palmer are referenced in this book, and without a backstory or exposition. It's just there and you are expected to have already read them.

I loved this book! I can't wait until the next one. ( )
  Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
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The one-hundred-eighty-degree sweep of floor to ceiling windows normally would have been a little odd for a ball room, but when you have an uninterrupted view of the pyramids, you make sure that everyone knows it.
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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

Dorina Basarab is a dhampirthe feared and hated cross between a vampire and a humanor so she has always believed. She spent most of her life on the fringes of her two worlds, yearning to belong to one or the other, but despised and distrusted by both. Recently, a war in the supernatural community allowed her to gain a foothold in her vampire father's world, one of danger, intrigue, glitz and glamour, where she found not only a home, but a lover, too. For the first time in centuries, life seemed to be going her way. But now, an incident with a dangerous magical device has left her two natures separated into duplicate bodies, both fighting to survive while they search for the truth about their past, and the key to their future.


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