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Secreto de Estado II: El Rey de Les Halles (Secreto De Estado / Secret of the State)

di Juliette Benzoni

Serie: Secret d'État (2)

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386670,170 (3.38)Nessuno
Wearing a dress that is splattered with blood and clasping a doll to her chest, Sylvie de Valaines, a four-year-old girl, wanders the streets of the small village of Anet. The year is 1626 and her entire family has just been murdered, likely on the orders of Cardinal Richelieu. When a young boy of 10—Francois de Borbón-Vendôme, the prince of Martigues—finds her, he brings her to his castle. Sylvie's gratitude to her savior promptly grows into love, a love that will face innumerable obstacles. She will become a lady in waiting to Queen Anna of Austria and a good friend to Madame Hauteford, and in the process will discover, against her wishes, the mortal secret of the birth of the future Louis XIV.… (altro)
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Secreto de estado es una saga compuesta por tres volúmenes que atrapa por su apasionante trama de intrigas, pasiones y aventuras, por su cuidada reconstrucción histórica y por la habilidad de Juliette Benzoni para crear personajes palpitantes. Junio de 1626. Una niña de cuatro años vaga por el bosque de Anet. Su nombre es Sylvie de Valaines y su familia acaba de ser asesinada, tal vez por orden del cardenal Richelieu para recuperar ciertas cartas comprometedoras. Un muchacho de diez años la recoge y la pone a salvo. Se llama François de Borbón-Vendome, príncipe de Martigues.
  Natt90 | Jul 19, 2022 |
The first book of this trilogy La chamber de la reine starts the saga of Sylvie Valaine who tries to escape from the villainous hands of Cardinal Richelieu. She is raised by the Vendome family and becomes Anne d'Autriche's "fille d'honneur" in the middle of a climate of conspiracy and treachery. However, Sylvie is close watched by his childhood friend and guardian Francois de Vendome.

In this second book of this trilogy, Sylvie is obliged to marry La Ferriere who betrays her and Francois must prompt help her in order to save her virtue from the Cardinal.

The plot of this second book is much more interesting and it’s a real page-turner. A good reason to finish this trilogy and see what happens next.
( )
  Lnatal | Mar 31, 2013 |
The first book of this trilogy La chamber de la reine starts the saga of Sylvie Valaine who tries to escape from the villainous hands of Cardinal Richelieu. She is raised by the Vendome family and becomes Anne d'Autriche's "fille d'honneur" in the middle of a climate of conspiracy and treachery. However, Sylvie is close watched by his childhood friend and guardian Francois de Vendome.

In this second book of this trilogy, Sylvie is obliged to marry La Ferriere who betrays her and Francois must prompt help her in order to save her virtue from the Cardinal.

The plot of this second book is much more interesting and it’s a real page-turner. A good reason to finish this trilogy and see what happens next.
( )
  Lnatal | Mar 31, 2013 |
The first book of this trilogy La chamber de la reine starts the saga of Sylvie Valaine who tries to escape from the villainous hands of Cardinal Richelieu. She is raised by the Vendome family and becomes Anne d'Autriche's "fille d'honneur" in the middle of a climate of conspiracy and treachery. However, Sylvie is close watched by his childhood friend and guardian Francois de Vendome.

In this second book of this trilogy, Sylvie is obliged to marry La Ferriere who betrays her and Francois must prompt help her in order to save her virtue from the Cardinal.

The plot of this second book is much more interesting and it’s a real page-turner. A good reason to finish this trilogy and see what happens next.
( )
  Lnatal | Mar 31, 2013 |
The first book of this trilogy La chamber de la reine starts the saga of Sylvie Valaine who tries to escape from the villainous hands of Cardinal Richelieu. She is raised by the Vendome family and becomes Anne d'Autriche's "fille d'honneur" in the middle of a climate of conspiracy and treachery. However, Sylvie is close watched by his childhood friend and guardian Francois de Vendome.

In this second book of this trilogy, Sylvie is obliged to marry La Ferriere who betrays her and Francois must prompt help her in order to save her virtue from the Cardinal.

The plot of this second book is much more interesting and it’s a real page-turner. A good reason to finish this trilogy and see what happens next.
( )
  Lnatal | Mar 31, 2013 |
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Wearing a dress that is splattered with blood and clasping a doll to her chest, Sylvie de Valaines, a four-year-old girl, wanders the streets of the small village of Anet. The year is 1626 and her entire family has just been murdered, likely on the orders of Cardinal Richelieu. When a young boy of 10—Francois de Borbón-Vendôme, the prince of Martigues—finds her, he brings her to his castle. Sylvie's gratitude to her savior promptly grows into love, a love that will face innumerable obstacles. She will become a lady in waiting to Queen Anna of Austria and a good friend to Madame Hauteford, and in the process will discover, against her wishes, the mortal secret of the birth of the future Louis XIV.

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