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Walk Among Us: Compiled Edition (Vampire: The Masquerade)

di Cassandra Khaw, Genevieve Gornichec (Autore), Caitlin Starling (Autore)

Serie: Vampire the Masquerade (Anthology)

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431602,899 (4.07)Nessuno
One of the most popular role-playing properties in the world gets new life with this trio of horror novellas set in Vampire: The Masquerade's World of Darkness by three brilliant talents: Genevieve Gornichec, Cassandra Khaw, and Caitlin Starling The subtle horror and infernal politics of the World of Darkness are shown in a new light in Vampire: The Masquerade: Walk Among Us, an audio-first collection of three novellas that show the terror, hunger, and power of the Kindred as you've never seen them before. In Genevieve Gornichec's A SHEEP AMONG WOLVES, performed by Erika Ishii, depression and radicalization go hand-in-hand as a young woman finds companionship in the darkness... In Cassandra Khaw's FINE PRINT, performed by Neil Kaplan, an arrogant tech bro learns the importance of reading the fine print in the contract for immortality... And in Caitlin Starling's THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY, performed by Xe Sands, ideals and ethics bump heads with appetite on a blood farm. Three very different stories from three amazing, distinct voices, but all with one thing in common: the hunger never stops, and for someone to experience power, many others are going to have to feel pain.… (altro)
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Walk Among Us
by Cassandra Khaw, Genevieve Gornichec, Caitlin Starling
Pub Date: 04 May 2021

Vampires have been written as sexy, sparkles, and just monsters who crave blood. This book shows them in a new view.

Here we are given a collection of stories about one set of vampires and how they treat each other, not so much on how they treat humans. A totally unexpected view of these creatures. We learn to be happy with the choices we are given, to be careful about what we wish for, and to think long and hard about our choices..

This group of vampires are cruel and have a total disregard for the others in the clan., betrayal is the norm and the unlucky vampire that steps away from the normal activity or beliefs will be dealt with in a twisted and cruel way..

Very enjoyable to read and a different way to view this type of book. I do recommend reading this book.

#WalkAmongUs ( )
  timothyHaas | Jan 5, 2021 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Cassandra Khawautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Gornichec, GenevieveAutoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Starling, CaitlinAutoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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One of the most popular role-playing properties in the world gets new life with this trio of horror novellas set in Vampire: The Masquerade's World of Darkness by three brilliant talents: Genevieve Gornichec, Cassandra Khaw, and Caitlin Starling The subtle horror and infernal politics of the World of Darkness are shown in a new light in Vampire: The Masquerade: Walk Among Us, an audio-first collection of three novellas that show the terror, hunger, and power of the Kindred as you've never seen them before. In Genevieve Gornichec's A SHEEP AMONG WOLVES, performed by Erika Ishii, depression and radicalization go hand-in-hand as a young woman finds companionship in the darkness... In Cassandra Khaw's FINE PRINT, performed by Neil Kaplan, an arrogant tech bro learns the importance of reading the fine print in the contract for immortality... And in Caitlin Starling's THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY, performed by Xe Sands, ideals and ethics bump heads with appetite on a blood farm. Three very different stories from three amazing, distinct voices, but all with one thing in common: the hunger never stops, and for someone to experience power, many others are going to have to feel pain.

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