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Maggie Finds Her Muse

di Dee Ernst

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8812316,728 (3.41)Nessuno
"A sparkling romantic comedy starring a bestselling author who goes to Paris to overcome writer's block and rediscovers family, independence, and love along the way. All Maggie Bliss needs to do is write. Forty-eight years old and newly single (again!), she ventures to Paris in a last-ditch effort to finish her manuscript. With a marvelous apartment at her fingertips and an elegant housekeeper to meet her every need, a finished book-and her dream of finally taking her career over the top-is surely within her grasp. After all, how could she find anything except inspiration in Paris, with its sophistication, food, and romance in the air? But the clock is running out, and between her charming ex-husband arriving in France for vacation and a handsome Frenchman appearing one morning in her bathtub, Maggie's previously undisturbed peace goes by the wayside. Charming and heartfelt, Dee Ernst's Maggie Finds Her Muse is a delightful and feel-good novel about finding love, confidence, and inspiration in all the best places"--… (altro)
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DNF ( )
  SimplyKelina | May 6, 2023 |
Paris, food, love! ( )
  cathy.lemann | Mar 21, 2023 |
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion.

This is a fun light read of Maggie Bliss, an author of several books but what’s going to change her life is her new trilogy. She wrote a best selling novel and now her problem is that although she had ideas of where the story will go she is having trouble finishing book two in time for release. Her dreams of owning a beach house depend on the success of the book launch and its final book being published the following summer.

Like many writers, Maggie had her routines when writing, like her sweat pants and going days on coffee barely knowing what day it is. Unfortunately, she finds herself with trouble focusing on finishing it. After she booted her mooching boyfriend, Greg, to the curb, she needed a break. The pressure from readers and editors to produce something phenomenal as a finish overwhelmed her.

Her agent, Lee, comes to the rescue and suggests she travel to France and spend time in Lee and his partner Martin’s home. Maggie is impressed with the luxurious home and feels out of place until Max comes home. Solange takes care of the home while Martin and Lee are away in New York. She lives in an apartment with her world traveling son, Max. While in Paris, Maggie plans to visit her daughter, Nicole, who lives in Rennes with her boyfriend, Louis. Coincidentally, Alan, Maggie’s ex-husband is visiting at the same time. Apparently, he separated from his girlfriend, Heather, and wanted to get away as well.

With so much happening in Paris, Maggie had to find time to group text her BFF’s, Alison and Cheri, back in NY who hope she finds love as well as writing a best seller. Maggie finds herself filled with inspiration to write despite some pleasant distractions. Meeting up with Alan again was pleasant and comforting unlike the charming Max who always seems to be away. So, Maggie finds her muse and inspiration to finish her novel and a spectacular ending to boot! Will Maggie come home with more than her completed book series to launch? Is she able to figure out where her own heart lies?

( )
  marquis784 | Nov 16, 2022 |
Anything can happen in Paris. It's the city of love. It's where you go to find romance. So a book that takes you there has to be open to fantasy, glamour, excitement, wonderful food and beautiful people. This novel has it all.

Forty eight year-old Maggie needs inspiration to write her final trilogy. She feels stuck. Her relationship has just ended and she is on a six-week deadline to complete her romance novel. Her editor gives her an offer she can't refuse: to go Paris to find a muse. She will immediately pack her bags and go with him and his lover. She doesn't have to look far once she arrives. The housekeeper's son in the home where they're staying just happens to be about the same age, very handsome and successful. Her daughter is also in the area with the man she loves.. But there's more: Maggie's x-husband is now single, available and staying nearby on a short getaway.

Which direction will Maggie take? For me it was an easy guess. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book. It was written well. It's simple and who doesn't like a good love story?

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this advanced copy. ( )
  Jacsun | Oct 5, 2021 |
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion.

This is a fun light read of Maggie Bliss, an author of several books but what’s going to change her life is her new trilogy. She wrote a best selling novel and now her problem is that although she had ideas of where the story will go she is having trouble finishing book two in time for release. Her dreams of owning a beach house depend on the success of the book launch and its final book being published the following summer.

Like many writers, Maggie had her routines when writing, like her sweat pants and going days on coffee barely knowing what day it is. Unfortunately, she finds herself with trouble focusing on finishing it. After she booted her mooching boyfriend, Greg, to the curb, she needed a break. The pressure from readers and editors to produce something phenomenal as a finish overwhelmed her.

Her agent, Lee, comes to the rescue and suggests she travel to France and spend time in Lee and his partner Martin’s home. Maggie is impressed with the luxurious home and feels out of place until Max comes home. Solange takes care of the home while Martin and Lee are away in New York. She lives in an apartment with her world traveling son, Max. While in Paris, Maggie plans to visit her daughter, Nicole, who lives in Rennes with her boyfriend, Louis. Coincidentally, Alan, Maggie’s ex-husband is visiting at the same time. Apparently, he separated from his girlfriend, Heather, and wanted to get away as well.

With so much happening in Paris, Maggie had to find time to group text her BFF’s, Alison and Cheri, back in NY who hope she finds love as well as writing a best seller. Maggie finds herself filled with inspiration to write despite some pleasant distractions. Meeting up with Alan again was pleasant and comforting unlike the charming Max who always seems to be away. So, Maggie finds her muse and inspiration to finish her novel and a spectacular ending to boot! Will Maggie come home with more than her completed book series to launch? Is she able to figure out where her own heart lies? ( )
  marquis784 | Jul 1, 2021 |
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"A sparkling romantic comedy starring a bestselling author who goes to Paris to overcome writer's block and rediscovers family, independence, and love along the way. All Maggie Bliss needs to do is write. Forty-eight years old and newly single (again!), she ventures to Paris in a last-ditch effort to finish her manuscript. With a marvelous apartment at her fingertips and an elegant housekeeper to meet her every need, a finished book-and her dream of finally taking her career over the top-is surely within her grasp. After all, how could she find anything except inspiration in Paris, with its sophistication, food, and romance in the air? But the clock is running out, and between her charming ex-husband arriving in France for vacation and a handsome Frenchman appearing one morning in her bathtub, Maggie's previously undisturbed peace goes by the wayside. Charming and heartfelt, Dee Ernst's Maggie Finds Her Muse is a delightful and feel-good novel about finding love, confidence, and inspiration in all the best places"--

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