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Danger in Plain Sight: A Callie James Thriller

di Burt Weissbourd

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Aggiunto di recente daJerseyGirlBookReview

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In Danger In Plain Sight, book one of A Callie James Thriller Series, author Burt Weissbourd takes the reader behind the scenes of a riveting thriller as Seattle restauranteur Callie James reluctantly gets pulled into a dangerous cat-n-mouse game with ruthless money launderers.

Callie James is the successful owner of Le Cochon Bronze, a French restaurant in Seattle. After fourteen years, Callie's ex-husband, Daniel Odile-Brand, a French investigative reporter, unexpectedly shows up at her restaurant needing a safe place to stay, after his leads on an explosive money laundering story has put his life in danger. Callie refuses to help Daniel until he is run down outside her restaurant, and she reluctantly gets drawn into keeping him safe, unknowingly putting herself and their thirteen-year-old son Lew in danger as well. With unknown assassins on the hunt for Daniel, Cassie is forced to seek the help from her ex-bartender / ex-smuggler, Terry "Cash" Logan and his associates, Doc and Andre. Can Cassie and Cash stop the assassins and help Daniel with his story, even though the danger is in plain sight?

Danger In Plain Sight is a riveting thriller that easily draws the reader in from the start. The author provides the reader with a fascinating, multi-layered, and richly detailed story set in panoramic Seattle. This exciting story takes the reader on an exhilarating roller coaster ride as Callie and Cash engage in a very dangerous cat-n-mouse game with a very cautious and ruthless couple of money launderers, who are determined to stop at nothing to silence Daniel, and everyone and everything that gets in the way of their illegal business. There is enough drama, secrets, deception, tension, humor, and surprising twists and turns that definitely will keep the reader sitting on the edge of their seat, and guessing how this story will turn out. I loved the drama and sarcastic humor that Callie and Cash shared, it was a great way of interweaving the tension and drama of teaming up together with a touch of unexpected romance added into the mix.

Danger In Plain Sight is a well-written, fast paced story that left me interested in finding out what Callie's next adventure will be in the continuation of the series. ( )
  JerseyGirlBookReview | Jun 18, 2020 |
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