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His Small-Town Girl (Sutter's Hollow Book 1)

di Lacy Williams

Serie: Sutter's Hollow (1)

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Fiction. Romance. Western. HTML:

She's sweet and wholesome. And hiding something. He's back home, resurrecting old ghosts. One of them is going to get hurt. Molly arrives in Sutter's Hollow out of gas and out of options. The rundown ranch seems like a perfect place to hide. Except the man who owns it seems just as dangerous as what's chasing her.Cord's mantra growing up? Get out of Sutter's Hollow. Now he's back in town, but only long enough to get rid of his grandma's ball and chain—the ranch. He doesn't need a complication like Molly, who reminds him of an injured baby bird. He's no protector. So why can't he tell her to get lost?"Lacy's books are just so darn cozy and wholesome, without being cloying." WendyTheSuperLibrarian book blog

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His Small Town Girl by Lacy Williams was a suspenseful and heartwarming read. I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more about Callum in the next book in the series!
I just loved Molly. As Cord said, she's young, but she has an old soul and a huge heart. Even when she was dealing with her own demons, she sought ways to ease Cord's pain. She is such a treasure! And I thought it was awesome she was a genius at working on cars/trucks/tractors! Total farm girl.
Cord is a bit rough around the edges, but he grows on you with time. How he is always trying to make Molly feel safe, even at his own expense, is a testament to his true heart.
I loved how these two broken and battered people came together and found ways to help each other heal. Both Cord and Molly's background are mysterious and intriguing. Wanting to know what had happened to them kept me turning pages!
And then the real action started as Mollys past continued to haunt her. You won't want to put this book down for long!
I loved Cord and Molly's story, and any fan of contemporary Christian fiction/inspirational fiction/clean romance will enjoy it, too!
I was given a copy of this book by the author with no expectation of a positive review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  BlessednBookish | Jun 11, 2020 |
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Fiction. Romance. Western. HTML:

She's sweet and wholesome. And hiding something. He's back home, resurrecting old ghosts. One of them is going to get hurt. Molly arrives in Sutter's Hollow out of gas and out of options. The rundown ranch seems like a perfect place to hide. Except the man who owns it seems just as dangerous as what's chasing her.Cord's mantra growing up? Get out of Sutter's Hollow. Now he's back in town, but only long enough to get rid of his grandma's ball and chain—the ranch. He doesn't need a complication like Molly, who reminds him of an injured baby bird. He's no protector. So why can't he tell her to get lost?"Lacy's books are just so darn cozy and wholesome, without being cloying." WendyTheSuperLibrarian book blog


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