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A Court of Silver Flames: The latest book in…
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A Court of Silver Flames: The latest book in the GLOBALLY BESTSELLING, SENSATIONAL series (A Court of Thorns and Roses) (edizione 2022)

di Sarah J. Maas (Autor)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
7,062841,363 (4.36)51
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:Sarah J. Maas's sexy, richly imagined series continues with the journey of Feyre's fiery sister, Nesta.
Nesta Archeron has always been prickly-proud, swift to anger, and slow to forgive. And ever since being forced into the Cauldron and becoming High Fae against her will, she's struggled to find a place for herself within the strange, deadly world she inhabits. Worse, she can't seem to move past the horrors of the war with Hybern and all she lost in it.
The one person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred warrior whose position in Rhysand and Feyre's Night Court keeps him constantly in Nesta's orbit. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. The fire between them is undeniable, and only burns hotter as they are forced into close quarters with each other.
Meanwhile, the treacherous human queens who returned to the Continent during the last war have forged a dangerous new alliance, threatening the fragile peace that has settled over the realms. And the key to halting them might very well rely on Cassian and Nesta facing their haunting pasts.
Against the sweeping backdrop of a world seared by war and plagued with uncertainty, Nesta and Cassian battle monsters from within and without as they search for acceptance-and healing-in each other's arms.
… (altro)
Titolo:A Court of Silver Flames: The latest book in the GLOBALLY BESTSELLING, SENSATIONAL series (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
Autori:Sarah J. Maas (Autor)
Info:Bloomsbury Publishing (2022), Edition: 1, 784 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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A Court of Silver Flames di Sarah J. Maas

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» Vedi le 51 citazioni

Y’all listen. Sarah J. Mass writes straight up trash, like I’m not gonna say this kind of reading takes work. But good lord does she know how to make you feel. Was it heavily sex based with limited plot? Yes. Does that mean I didn’t enjoy every minute of it and get sucked into the magic of it all? No it does not. I’m not saying this book was literary gold, but I was definitely on the edge of my seat from the start. It wasn’t mentally stimulating in the slightest, but it was stimulating in a different way and that’s what matters. ( )
  keannanoah | Sep 18, 2024 |
Maas done wrote a character that hates herself so much she wants to die and I have never felt more seen. I'll spare you the 600 word spiel I wrote up in my notes app the other day and just tell you that grief looks different on everyone. I mean, think about a time where you were So Extremely Sad. Maybe you have healthier coping mechanisms, but for me, I feel so powerless in my sadness. Everyone around you is angry at your attitude when you're just fighting everything within reach to survive. For Nesta, I think the decision to lock her up in the House of Wind was a decision filled with hatred (rhys), embarrassment (feyre), selfishness (cassian), and a desire for control. Despite whatever your frustrations are with her, she's a grown woman who should be allowed to drink wine and fuck whoever she wants. And I think that was the MOST frustrating part...she was essentially stripped of her bodily autonomy. (why couldn't this woman just get a job and pay off her debts instead?). It's definitely convenient that Nesta thinks of his time as really self destructive (like she's not worthy of having friends because she had casual sex?). If I had to compare it to anything, it felt like the edge of seventeen. That one movie where everyone keeps telling this 17 year old girl that she pities herself too much and no one likes her and then she has to apologize to everyone at the end for some unknown reason. Except maybe the apologies Nesta gives out are kinda valid! ONE LAST MESSAGE ABOUT NESTA: A lot of you have darker fucking spirits and make deeper cuts than her. AND A lot of you want the complex, morally grey characters but can't even stomach a woman who drinks too much wine and says mean things to her sisters. If you never intended to extend empathy towards her, you never should've asked for more POVs. I DIGRESS NOW.

The smut in this book was SICKENNINGGG! My metaphorical dick was twitching. It started slow and got downright nasty at times. Mrs. Maas, I see your growth. I don't think we needed AS MANY as we got though. It made me wonder at times if they even liked each other.

The introduction to these troves and new antagonists is smart and helped keep the story fresh. Wasn't sure how Maas was going to continue the series after the war but she somehow created new turmoil, gave us new history lessons, and extended this world so much farther that I ever could've imagined. While I do think this works, a part of me does get the feeling that all this newness was a desperate attempt to keep things going? I LIKE the newness, but is obvious to me that the newness reworks the series into something completely different than it was before. Especially since none of these tools and creatures were ever mentioned in previous books. I guess I'm just a sucker for foreshadowing and wished we'd been introduced to some of these things earlier. Still, I think it worked out well so I can't say too much about it!

This is my favorite in the series for the SHEERRRR FACT that it made me cry the most. I felt so seen, as someone who's always filled with anger. I get payback in arguments by saying the mean stuff and regret it. I have a hard time apologizing. And it makes me hate myself! (Which like, fair!) Nesta lowkey showed me that there is a way out of that toxic behavior (literally just meditation and good dick?) 🫶🏽

Gonna be honest, I'd take a lot of this with a grain of salt because I only vaguely remember Nesta in book 1 and 2 because I read them over a year ago. But from 3 and on, none of her behavior was so irredeemable to me.

Finally here are two lines I liked so much I had to type them up:
"It was a blessed relief, to be nothing and no one" 499
"No amount of driving her body into the earth would make her good." 500

This is a 4.5 star book for me. ( )
  yosistachrista | Aug 6, 2024 |
I loved Silver Flames so much. Nesta’s journey, her relationship to Cassian and her found family – everything about this was perfect to me. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to the internet-hatred of this book, it’s my #2 after ACOMAF. ( )
  dinahmine | Jun 17, 2024 |
Un bajón importante respecto a la trilogía original, debido principalmente a una protagonista completamente inaguantable que aunque fuera la intención, no consigue remontar. Rhys y Feyre han vivido una historia paralela mucho mejor. ( )
  aurirua | Jun 7, 2024 |
Nesta's family and friends have had enough of her wallowing and give her an ultimatum: live in the House of Wind where she'll train with Cassian in the mornings and work in the Library for the rest of the day or return to the human lands where she'll essentially be an outcast. Nesta is angry but settles into her new routine finding friends and bonds in the least expected places. But old and new enemies lurk on the borders and threaten everything Nesta holds dear.

The temptation to summarize this as "How Nesta got her groove back" is high. Out of the whole ACOTAR series, this one is the best written (don't get me wrong, there were still some bits that had me sending snarky texts to my friend). Nesta is a complex character and watching her heal is compelling. I also was so pleased to finally see a female character with female friends and Maas writes that really well. There are enough plot threads dangling that if Maas writes another ACOTAR book, I'll probably pick it up because I like the characters enough. But I will NOT be diving into the rest of Maas' bibliography, because there's only so much hate reading one can do, lol. ( )
  MickyFine | May 12, 2024 |

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Maas, Sarah J.autore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Nielsen, StinaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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For every Nesta out there—
climb the mountain

And for Josh, Taran, and Annie,
who are the reason I keep climbing my own
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:Sarah J. Maas's sexy, richly imagined series continues with the journey of Feyre's fiery sister, Nesta.
Nesta Archeron has always been prickly-proud, swift to anger, and slow to forgive. And ever since being forced into the Cauldron and becoming High Fae against her will, she's struggled to find a place for herself within the strange, deadly world she inhabits. Worse, she can't seem to move past the horrors of the war with Hybern and all she lost in it.
The one person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred warrior whose position in Rhysand and Feyre's Night Court keeps him constantly in Nesta's orbit. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. The fire between them is undeniable, and only burns hotter as they are forced into close quarters with each other.
Meanwhile, the treacherous human queens who returned to the Continent during the last war have forged a dangerous new alliance, threatening the fragile peace that has settled over the realms. And the key to halting them might very well rely on Cassian and Nesta facing their haunting pasts.
Against the sweeping backdrop of a world seared by war and plagued with uncertainty, Nesta and Cassian battle monsters from within and without as they search for acceptance-and healing-in each other's arms.

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