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The Butcher

di Nathan Burrows

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Remember that nice joint of pork you tucked into for your Sunday lunch? Well, what if it wasn't pork...? Frank Pinch is a butcher. Not a very successful one, what with Brexit and everything, but he still knows how to carve a joint of meat. His brother, Tom, is a pig farmer with very few pigs to his name. The farm they both live on is struggling now that the United Kingdom is out of Europe. Even the migrant workers have stopped coming - the legal ones, anyway - and the brothers are forced to use illegal labour to keep the farm afloat. After a horrible accident in one of the pig sheds, Frank and Tom come up with a novel way of disposing of the resulting body. But it doesn't quite go as planned. Emily Underwood has just started work as an inspector for the Environment Agency. As the new girl, she's struggling hard to find her feet, and one or two minor disasters don't help. From machete wielding restaurant owners to rioting football fans, her first few months don't go as expected. When she crosses paths with Frank and Tom Pinch, things get a whole lot worse. From the author of Blind Justice, this deliciously funny dark comedy will change the way you look at sausages forever.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daShepyBooks, TommyC23, Michelle.Ryles
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As a non-meat eater and much to the chagrin of my family and friends, I have always referred to sausages as being made of hooves and @rseholes and containing no meat at all, so I was really intrigued when I read the synopsis of The Butcher by Nathan Burrows. It had me at 'She thought it was pork. She was wrong.' That has to be the best strapline ever!

In a not too distant future, The Butcher is set in Norwich post-Brexit where we Brits can barely afford to eat as everything is so expensive. The local butcher, Frank Pinch, and his farmer brother, Tom, are struggling to make a living until the pair stumble upon a recipe for some prize winning sausages. Suddenly Frank goes from having half-empty shelves to having a queue out of the door; news of his amazing sausages spreads far and wide and he even gets a visit from a red-headed celebrity. Frank and Tom also get a less welcome visit from recently qualified Food Standards Agency inspector, Emily. Will they pass the inspection or will Emily find out what is really in Frank's sausages?

The humour is very dark and dry which had me laughing along as I read; I was over three quarters of the way through and just thinking that it wasn't laugh out loud funny when I had a huge laugh out loud moment and had to share what I was laughing at. As much as it is funny, it's actually a very thought-provoking book as you can never really know exactly what you're eating and it always surprises me when people eat pies simply labelled as 'meat'. What kind of meat is it? Cow? Horse? Cat? Man?

With the most unlikely serial killers you will ever come across, The Butcher contains more humour than there is meat in a sausage to make a unique comedy crime novel. If you have a sense of humour, you will LOVE this book; I can't wait to read book 2, The Baker, especially after the little teaser in the back of The Butcher. I think this is going to be a brilliant trilogy.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion. ( )
  Michelle.Ryles | Mar 9, 2020 |
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Remember that nice joint of pork you tucked into for your Sunday lunch? Well, what if it wasn't pork...? Frank Pinch is a butcher. Not a very successful one, what with Brexit and everything, but he still knows how to carve a joint of meat. His brother, Tom, is a pig farmer with very few pigs to his name. The farm they both live on is struggling now that the United Kingdom is out of Europe. Even the migrant workers have stopped coming - the legal ones, anyway - and the brothers are forced to use illegal labour to keep the farm afloat. After a horrible accident in one of the pig sheds, Frank and Tom come up with a novel way of disposing of the resulting body. But it doesn't quite go as planned. Emily Underwood has just started work as an inspector for the Environment Agency. As the new girl, she's struggling hard to find her feet, and one or two minor disasters don't help. From machete wielding restaurant owners to rioting football fans, her first few months don't go as expected. When she crosses paths with Frank and Tom Pinch, things get a whole lot worse. From the author of Blind Justice, this deliciously funny dark comedy will change the way you look at sausages forever.

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