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War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers (2020)

di Jonathan Kunz, Elizabeth Pich

Serie: War and Peas (1)

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536502,248 (3.81)Nessuno
From the creators of the hugely popular Instagram comic War and Peas, this offbeat four-panel comic features a dark, fairy-tale aesthetic and a twist ending each time. War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers combine twisted humor with a beloved cast of characters including the grim reaper (seen here as an unintentionally lethal man of leisure), a robot in hopelessly in love with his scientist creator, and a promiscuous yet self-assured witch. Unlike most webcomic collections, this one tells a story using dozens of never-before-seen comics to chronicle the lives of several different characters and their follies during life, death, and their glorious reunions in the afterlife (and the after-afterlife).… (altro)
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For my review of this book, visit my Youtube Vlog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | May 15, 2020 |
Amusing cartoons full of dark humor with several recurring characters whose slowly developing storylines occasionally cross over. In addition to Slutty Witch and the Grim Reaper on the cover, there are the seemingly immortal gay couple Bob and Bob, the very mortal Penny and her husband, the professor and her sentient robot, Good Boy the dog, and Gary the boy ghost. Worth a look if your taste in humor is a bit twisted. ( )
  villemezbrown | Apr 1, 2020 |
This is a collection of the War and Peas Webcomic. I quite enjoyed it. It’s definitely more for adults, as the adult humor is sometimes crude and very often suggestive. But it sure is a lot of fun. Some of my favorite parts involve death riding a skateboard, or the seductive witch and her slutty nature. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Jan 22, 2020 |
Fantastic to finally read in full the viral comics my friends pass around. Hilarious.
[I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.] ( )
  tldegray | Jan 4, 2020 |
"That was when I knew I had a problem."

(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review through NetGalley.)

-- 3.5 stars --

Like nearly every collection of comics I discover on NetGalley, War and Peas began as a webcomic that I'd never heard of, but will now follow religiously.

A little bit morbid and a whole lot weird, War and Peas features four-panel comics that are loosely related, with a recurring cast of characters. There's no-nonsense scientist and her sentient robot, who's not-so-secretly in love with her; a rad feminist dog who keeps finding himself back at the pound, for myriad reasons; a gay couple, both named Bob; a straight couple that meets when the dude bends over to pick up a lucky penny, only to split his pants down the backside; an old timey couple who lost their son, sold into indentured servitude, in an industrial accident and comes back as a ghost; and a slutty witch and her vampire paramour. Most at least merit a grin, while a few actually had me guffawing.

Naturally, I am partial to those strips with dogs, robots, and patriarchy smashing (not mutually exclusive). ( )
  smiteme | Dec 2, 2019 |
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Kunz, Jonathanautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Pich, Elizabethautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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From the creators of the hugely popular Instagram comic War and Peas, this offbeat four-panel comic features a dark, fairy-tale aesthetic and a twist ending each time. War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers combine twisted humor with a beloved cast of characters including the grim reaper (seen here as an unintentionally lethal man of leisure), a robot in hopelessly in love with his scientist creator, and a promiscuous yet self-assured witch. Unlike most webcomic collections, this one tells a story using dozens of never-before-seen comics to chronicle the lives of several different characters and their follies during life, death, and their glorious reunions in the afterlife (and the after-afterlife).

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3 4
3.5 2
4 8
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