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Toki Pona: The Language of Good

di Sonja Lang

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"Toki Pona was my philosophical attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words ... I first published my micro-language on the Web in 2001 ... In this book, I hope to present the language in its completed form."--The preface.
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It was quite interesting to read the official Toki Pona book by the creator of the language. But jan Sonja always modifies something in her language, almost every time she takes the time of looking at it.

I deplore the synonomy of 'a' and 'kin', 'kin' used to mean 'also, too, indeed' and was more specialized than 'a'.

I deplore the decision to make synonyms of 'lukin' and 'oko', because 'lukin' as a substantive used to mean 'view' - but it's true that 'oko' has been used as verb, next to 'lukin'.

I don't really like the idea that 'sin' and 'namako' are now the same concept. 'namako' used to mean 'additional; spices; to spice; spicey" and not just 'new', but it's true that some people used the two as synonyms.

I love the fact that 'kute' now officially means 'ear' and 'hear'.

I'm not at ease with the fact that 'noka' is now used as a preposition instead of 'anpa'. But maybe these two words will end up meaning 'under', 'noka' with contact to an object, 'anpa' without contact - we'll see.

I admire the will of giving users an advanced number system, but it still doesn't permit us to read years, because there is no numeral for 1000 as yet.

It's a real pity that 'kipisi', 'to cut' didn't make the official vocabulary list, nor 'monsuta' meaning 'monster; fear'.

Just to point out that this reference work isn't the last word about Toki Pona, the TP community consensus isn't always in concord with the evolving views of jan Sonja. ( )
1 vota jansegers | Dec 21, 2015 |
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"Toki Pona was my philosophical attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words ... I first published my micro-language on the Web in 2001 ... In this book, I hope to present the language in its completed form."--The preface.

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