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Bad Boys of Willow Valley: DUKE

di Shannyn Leah

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Duke Falkner is a no-nonsense bodyguard--a job he takes very seriously. So seriously, in fact, he's never taken a vacation or enjoyed a moment in his own life. He uses his strict lifestyle as repentance for a childhood moment that stole away every member of his family. Although a moment he was not responsible for, a moment he has been unable to shake.Sage Ellis has just had her life torn apart in similar fashion. Her estranged rock-n-roll father has just been killed and her mother has been shot right in her front of her. Before she knows it, she's being swept away to a remote location to be protected by a bodyguard she'd hoped never to see again.As Duke and Sage are brought together again, they replay their tortured past and a relationship that ended before it began. But as they work to figure out who is after Sage and her family, their feelings slowly start to once again reveal themselves and Duke begins to let go of his past. Will he hang on to his bad boy ways, or release his tight fist on his past for a relaxed future with Sage?… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daDolphinmom729, ShannynLeah

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Loved the first 2 books of the Bad Boys of Willow Valley series and this one is a winner also. I'm loving the roller coaster ride that this series is going on, emotions range from love to hate , attraction to distraction. When I started reading this , I kept thinking to myself that she needed several spanking lol. Shannyn Leah, these books are all home runs and the series wins the game ( )
  Dolphinmom729 | Feb 29, 2020 |
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Duke Falkner is a no-nonsense bodyguard--a job he takes very seriously. So seriously, in fact, he's never taken a vacation or enjoyed a moment in his own life. He uses his strict lifestyle as repentance for a childhood moment that stole away every member of his family. Although a moment he was not responsible for, a moment he has been unable to shake.Sage Ellis has just had her life torn apart in similar fashion. Her estranged rock-n-roll father has just been killed and her mother has been shot right in her front of her. Before she knows it, she's being swept away to a remote location to be protected by a bodyguard she'd hoped never to see again.As Duke and Sage are brought together again, they replay their tortured past and a relationship that ended before it began. But as they work to figure out who is after Sage and her family, their feelings slowly start to once again reveal themselves and Duke begins to let go of his past. Will he hang on to his bad boy ways, or release his tight fist on his past for a relaxed future with Sage?

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