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The Rector's Daughter

di Jean Fullerton

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Charlotte, daughter of Reverend Percival Hatton, has been content to follow the path laid out for her. Charlotte has an understanding with Captain Nicolas Paget - every inch the gentleman - who she expects someday to marry. But then she meets Josiah Martyn, and everything changes...A driven and ambitious Cornish mining engineer, and the complete opposite to Captain Nicholas, Josiah has come to London to help build the first tunnel under the river Thames. When unpredictable events occur at the inauguration of the project, Josiah and Charlotte are suddenly thrown into an unexpected intimacy.But not everyone is happy with Charlotte and Josiah growing closer. As friends turn to foes, will they be able to rewrite the stars and find their happy ever after, although all odds seem to be stacked against them...?… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daDeborah_J_Miles
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I loved it! I loved the writing style, the story, the settings, the characters...

Written by Jean Fullerton, whose WWII Ration Book series I am avidly following, The Rector's Daughter is set in the 1820s.

It tells the story of a well-born young woman called Charlotte Hatton, the daughter of the Reverend Percival Hatton, Rector of St Mary's in Rotherhithe, South East London. Charlotte's mother died some time ago, and Charlotte has stepped into her shoes, and taken on the sort of tasks expected of a cleryman's wife. In the course of her duties she meets Josiah Martyn, an engineer working on the construction of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, and over time they fall in love.

Knowing that her father would never allow them to marry, they make plans to elope, but events overtake them, and Charlotte is sent away to marry a man she has never met.

The Rector's Daughter has been well researched, and delivered. My mother was born in Rotherhithe, so I am familiar with the tunnel, St Mary's, and the road names used in this story. I got quite excited wondering which landmarks would appear next, and what else I might learn about the area.

As I have already said, I loved this story. I was hooked from the first page. I love historical novels that provide me with some facts about the time in which they are set as I'm absorbing the story. I am a big fan of Barbara Cartland for just this reason, and The Rector's Daughter was every bit as good as any of Ms Cartland's historical novels.

I enjoyed the sub plot of Mrs Palmer, an impoverished widow with a dreadful, badly-behaved son, setting her cap at the Reverend. Mrs Palmer's own behaviour is also questionable; her hands rove as much as her eye! At first I didn't think the Reverend deserved her, but soon changed my mind when I realised he was more concerned with this own importance than his daughter's welfare.

The Rector's Daughter is a carefully crafted story, and one which I would highly recommend. ( )
  Deborah_J_Miles | Sep 4, 2019 |
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Charlotte, daughter of Reverend Percival Hatton, has been content to follow the path laid out for her. Charlotte has an understanding with Captain Nicolas Paget - every inch the gentleman - who she expects someday to marry. But then she meets Josiah Martyn, and everything changes...A driven and ambitious Cornish mining engineer, and the complete opposite to Captain Nicholas, Josiah has come to London to help build the first tunnel under the river Thames. When unpredictable events occur at the inauguration of the project, Josiah and Charlotte are suddenly thrown into an unexpected intimacy.But not everyone is happy with Charlotte and Josiah growing closer. As friends turn to foes, will they be able to rewrite the stars and find their happy ever after, although all odds seem to be stacked against them...?

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