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Gunga Din di Rudyard Kipling
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Gunga Din (edizione 1987)

di Rudyard Kipling (Autore)

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348275,990 (3.79)3
In such poems as "Gunga Din," "Mandalay," "Tommy," "Danny Deever," "If —," "The White Man's Burden," and "The Female of the Species," Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) evoked stirring images and created archetypes of British character at the height of the Empire. Filled with character study, dramatic incident, and rousing language, the poems delineate the time, place, and ethos of British ascendancy as surely as a novel or history of the period, yet they possess a timelessness and universality that lifts them above the purely temporal. Readers will find in this choice selection of 44 poems, reprinted from authoritative editions, not only a glimpse of the Empire, but the works of a vigorous and original poet who brought the language apt and colorful turns of phrase we still cherish.… (altro)
Titolo:Gunga Din
Autori:Rudyard Kipling (Autore)
Info:Harcourt Childrens Books (J) (1987), Edition: 1st, 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Gunga Din and Other Favorite Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) di Rudyard Kipling

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Treasury of 44 poems recalls British character and attitudes at the height of the Empire. "Gunga Din," "Danny Deever," "If--," "The White Man's Burden," many others, reprinted from standard texts. Notes. Lists of titles and first lines.
  BlessedHopeAcademy | Jul 27, 2013 |
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In such poems as "Gunga Din," "Mandalay," "Tommy," "Danny Deever," "If —," "The White Man's Burden," and "The Female of the Species," Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) evoked stirring images and created archetypes of British character at the height of the Empire. Filled with character study, dramatic incident, and rousing language, the poems delineate the time, place, and ethos of British ascendancy as surely as a novel or history of the period, yet they possess a timelessness and universality that lifts them above the purely temporal. Readers will find in this choice selection of 44 poems, reprinted from authoritative editions, not only a glimpse of the Empire, but the works of a vigorous and original poet who brought the language apt and colorful turns of phrase we still cherish.

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