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How Saeter Robbed the Underworld

di Meredith Katz

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

The day before his coming-of-age ceremony, Eirik's fathers tell him a bedtime story about of the son of the god of Love and the son of the god of Envy—one beloved by all, who knows no pain; the other who lives in his shadow and feels nothing but.

Still fuming from a fight with a friend, Eirik is not in the mood for stories. However, he quickly becomes engrossed in the strangely relatable tale of love & betrayal and how Saeter and Skault trick the underworld out of a very special prize...

An M/M fantasy romance with bisexual protagonists. Full of found family, daring rescues, shape-shifting tricksters, and Norse-inspired mythology.

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I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Short version: I loved this SO MUCH. It was not only full of feels, but also beautifully crafted with subtle hints and twists and symbolism.

To quote the author, it has:
* A fantasy-mythological setting loosely based on Norse mythology
* Cute demigods with feelings firmly in It's Complicated territory
* A shape-shifting trickster
* A daring rescue
* Found family feels
(The above list is from Meredith's Goodreads page. Below is my own words again.)

How Saeter Robbed the Underworld is a story within a story - The frame story is about two queer dads with their three (adopted) children. The eldest, Eirik, has just had a fight with his friend, so his dads tell them a bedtime story that is about difficult relationships and conflicts. This story is the story of two demigods - Saeter is the son of the God of Envy, and Skault is the son of the God of Love.

I absolutely loved everything Meredith did with this story. Although I could see several of the twists coming from a mile away, they still somehow felt satisfying... in fact, probably even more satisfying than if they had come out of nowhere, because it was set up beautifully. I also really loved the suggestion that adopted family is just as important as biological family, although this is a little subverted at the end, but the message is still there.

It is difficult to talk about my favourite twists without spoilers, but I'm going to say that I really loved the symbolism/parallel done with the three animal shapes Saeter takes to save Skault.

And now some spoiler-y screaming:

I KNEW that Skault would be the only one able to hurt Skault, and it still killed me. And!! It's not spelled out, but it's still pretty obvious that my theory was right about the identity of Papa and Father, and it's beautiful. ( )
  runtimeregan | Jun 12, 2019 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

The day before his coming-of-age ceremony, Eirik's fathers tell him a bedtime story about of the son of the god of Love and the son of the god of Envy—one beloved by all, who knows no pain; the other who lives in his shadow and feels nothing but.

Still fuming from a fight with a friend, Eirik is not in the mood for stories. However, he quickly becomes engrossed in the strangely relatable tale of love & betrayal and how Saeter and Skault trick the underworld out of a very special prize...

An M/M fantasy romance with bisexual protagonists. Full of found family, daring rescues, shape-shifting tricksters, and Norse-inspired mythology.


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