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Dear Edward: A Novel di Ann Napolitano
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Dear Edward: A Novel (edizione 2021)

di Ann Napolitano (Autore)

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1,823979,738 (4.03)67
"One summer morning, twelve-year-old Edward Adler, his beloved older brother, his parents, and 183 other passengers board a flight in Newark headed for Los Angeles. Among them are a Wall Street wunderkind, a young woman coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, an injured veteran returning from Afghanistan, a business tycoon, and a free-spirited woman running away from her controlling husband. Halfway across the country, the plane crashes. Edward is the sole survivor. Edward's story captures the attention of the nation, but he struggles to find a place in a world without his family. He continues to feel that a part of himself has been left in the sky, forever tied to the plane and all of his fellow passengers. But then he makes an unexpected discovery--one that will lead him to the answers of some of life's most profound questions: When you've lost everything, how do you find the strength to put one foot in front of the other? How do you learn to feel safe again? How do you find meaning in your life?" --… (altro)
Titolo:Dear Edward: A Novel
Autori:Ann Napolitano (Autore)
Info:Dial Press Trade Paperback (2021), 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Dear Edward di Ann Napolitano

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» Vedi le 67 citazioni

I had high hopes for this book given the high ratings from most of my GR friends who have read this. Dear Edward started off well for me, in part because I started with the audiobook (and I also listened to a part near the middle), but I wasn't wowed with this. I don't think the writing is bad, but honestly wasn't impressed with all of the swearing (not rife with it every other word, but enough that it was offensive to me even though I've been known to swear when angry) for one thing. Another is that I'm not interested in things like reincarnation (one of the characters was big on that) plus I just didn't like all of the POV characters that much. I couldn't stand four of them and disliked a couple more (there are a fair number on the plane and I did like Edward). There were other things I just didn't find well done, but I thought the letters an excellent touch. ( )
  Karin7 | Sep 19, 2024 |
Edward is a 12-year-old boy who was the only survivor of a plane crash. Edward Adler is in the process of moving to California with his older brother, Jordan, and their parents: Their mother is a television scriptwriter, and their father is a mathematician who was home schooling Edward and his brother. They had just reached Colorado, where the plane goes down. We are on the flight with the family from takeoff to the time of the crash learning the story of Edward’s life over the next six years. Edward's aunt and uncle, a childless couple in New Jersey, take Edward in, but his misery is constant and almost impermeable. He can't brin himself to sleep in the never-used room that his aunt and uncle have quickly made his he ends up bunking next door, where there's a girl his age, named Shay. This friendship becomes the only thread connecting him to the world of the living. Meanwhile, in alternating chapters, we meet all the dead plane passengers, learning their backstories, their hopes, their plans, every single one of which is minutes from obliteration. For some readers, this will be way too dark to endure, underlining our terrible vulnerability to random events and our inability to protect ourselves or our children from the worst-case scenario while also seeing in stark, startling detail the bleak, heartbreaking experience of survival. The people around Edward have no idea what to do with him; his aunt and uncle try their best to protect him from the horrors of his instant celebrity status as the "Miracle Boy". Thankfully for we readers, there is a light the end of the tunnel for Edward. It's sometimes a hard story to read but if we stick with it we can see Edwards's story as a story of hope. ( )
  Carol420 | Sep 6, 2024 |
I was hesitant to get into this book, because I initially found the subject matter a little too depressing right now. (Dealing with COVID-19, volatile political issues, etc.)
However, a friend of mine suggested I stick it out a little longer, maybe I'll find something of merit. I'm so glad he did that, as I really did find a lot of merit in this story!
This is a fantastic illustration of relationships, struggling with hardship, and finding joy in the little things. I don't think every one of us needs a horrific tragedy to put us on the path to finding peace and joy in our hearts... at least, I hope we don't. Hopefully, reading this novel will help us along with that instead. ( )
  trayceebee | Aug 23, 2024 |
It's a very good book. An intriguing premise. ( ) | Apr 13, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Children read fairy tales to master terror, and perhaps adults do the same with disaster books. More and more, histrionics seem to fill our days, with disasters of all types — political, natural, genocidal, technological — populating our social-media feeds. While none of the adults in either the real crash or the novel it inspired survive, Napolitano’s fearless examination of what took place models a way forward for all of us. She takes care not to sensationalize, presenting even the most harrowing scenes in graceful, understated prose, and gives us a powerful book about living a meaningful life during the most difficult of times.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaNew York Times, Angie Kim (sito a pagamento) (Jan 6, 2020)
Dear Edward isn’t a page turner with cliffhangers at the end of every chapter. Instead it’s a slow burn that draws you in to Edward’s interior life, the melancholia of his loss and of the fractured lives around him. Years after the crash, Edward’s healing begins to accelerate when he finds bags of unopened letters from the crash victims’ families. He is able to empathize and grieve with them, and so come to terms with his own loss.

It’s hard for a novel to thoroughly capture a reader’s attention while simultaneously meditating on profoundly complex issues. In Dear Edward, Napolitano, a creative writing professor in New York and author of two previous novels, including A Good Hard Look, manages to achieve this. The delicate sparseness of her prose slowly peels back the layers to reveal a warm, fulfilling center that is a true reward for readers.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaBookPage, Jeff Vasishta (Jan 1, 2020)
Napolitano, the associate editor of One Story magazine, has written a novel about the peculiar challenges of surviving a public disaster in the modern age. She shows with bracing clarity just how cable news and social media magnify misery and exposure as never before. Edward awakens in the hospital as the world’s most famous orphan. Broken and terrified, he must immediately shoulder a weird blend of trauma and adulation.... it’s a strange girl named Shay who really leavens the novel. With Shay, Napolitano captures the authentic quirkiness of a precocious adolescent. She lives next door to Edward’s aunt and uncle, and from the start she’s the only person who speaks to Edward with complete and cleansing candor.... She provides exactly the atmosphere of clarity that this fractured boy needs to rebuild his life, and watching them do that together is one of the most touching stories you’re likely to read in the new year.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaThe Washington Post, Ron Charles (sito a pagamento) (Dec 31, 2019)
For some readers, Napolitano’s premise will be too dark to bear, underlining our terrible vulnerability to random events and our inability to protect ourselves or our children from the worst-case scenario while also imagining in exhaustive detail the bleak experience of survival. The people around Edward have no idea how to deal with him; his aunt and uncle try their best to protect him from the horrors of his instant celebrity as Miracle Boy. As one might expect, there is a ray of light for Edward at the end of the tunnel, and for hardier readers this will make Napolitano’s novel a story of hope.

Well-written and insightful but so heartbreaking that it raises the question of what a reader is looking for in fiction.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaKirkus Reviews, a (Oct 28, 2019)
Napolitano (A Good Hard Look) builds a gentle but persistent tension as she navigates the minds of passengers on a plane that is about to crash, and the thoughts of the boy who is the only survivor. Wonderfully detailed characters include Edward Adler, 12 years old at the time of the crash, who lives through the catastrophe, and Shay, who’s the same age and lives next to the aunt and uncle who take over for Edward’s dead parents. The story moves back and forth before and after the crash, when Edward struggles to physically and emotionally recover....Napolitano’s depiction of the nuances of post-trauma experiences is fearless, compassionate, and insightful.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaPublisher's Weekly, a (Sep 27, 2019)

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Napolitano, Annautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Allard, PhilippeNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Azevedo, LígiaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Campbell, CassandraNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lesniak, JanekNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Since death is certain but the time of death is uncertain, what is the most important thing?
- Pema Chodron
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Newport Airport is shiny from a recent renovation.
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So much could be solved, she thinks, if we simply held hands with each other more often.
On the ground, people’s bodies are utilized, but on a plane, a person’s size, shape, and strength have no utility and are in fact an inconvenience. Everyone has to find a way to store themselves, in the most tolerable fashion possible, for the duration of the flight.
“They want to share something extraordinary about themselves, because you’ve experienced something extraordinary.”
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"One summer morning, twelve-year-old Edward Adler, his beloved older brother, his parents, and 183 other passengers board a flight in Newark headed for Los Angeles. Among them are a Wall Street wunderkind, a young woman coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, an injured veteran returning from Afghanistan, a business tycoon, and a free-spirited woman running away from her controlling husband. Halfway across the country, the plane crashes. Edward is the sole survivor. Edward's story captures the attention of the nation, but he struggles to find a place in a world without his family. He continues to feel that a part of himself has been left in the sky, forever tied to the plane and all of his fellow passengers. But then he makes an unexpected discovery--one that will lead him to the answers of some of life's most profound questions: When you've lost everything, how do you find the strength to put one foot in front of the other? How do you learn to feel safe again? How do you find meaning in your life?" --

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