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Carrion Comfort di Dan Simmons
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Carrion Comfort (originale 1989; edizione 1990)

di Dan Simmons (Autore)

Serie: Carrion Comfort (intégrale)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,162517,680 (3.85)82
"CARRION COMFORT is one of the three greatest horror novels of the 20th century. Simple as that." --Stephen King"Epic in scale and scope but intimately disturbing, CARRION COMFORT spans the ages to rewrite history and tug at the very fabric of reality. A nightmarish chronicle of predator and prey that will shatter your world view forever. A true classic." --Guillermo del Toro"CARRION COMFORT is one of the scariest books ever written. Whenever I get the question asked Who's your favorite author? my answer is always Dan Simmons." --James Rollins"One of the few major reinventions of the vampire concept, on a par with Jack Finney's Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, and Stephen King's Salem's Lot. --David MorrellTHE PAST... Caught behind the lines of Hitler's Final Solution, Saul Laski is one of the multitudes destined to die in the notorious Chelmno extermination camp. Until he rises to meet his fate and finds himself face to face with an evil far older, and far greater, than the Nazi's themselves...THE PRESENT... Compelled by the encounter to survive at all costs, so begins a journey that for Saul will span decades and cross continents, plunging into the darkest corners of 20th century history to reveal a secret society of beings who may often exist behind the world's most horrible and violent events. Killing from a distance, and by darkly manipulative proxy, they are people with the psychic ability to 'use' humans: read their minds, subjugate them to their wills, experience through their senses, feed off their emotions, force them to acts of unspeakable aggression. Each year, three of the most powerful of this hidden order meet to discuss their ongoing campaign of induced bloodshed and deliberate destruction. But this reunion, something will go terribly wrong. Saul's quest is about to reach its elusive object, drawing hunter and hunted alike into a struggle that will plumb the depths of mankind's attraction to violence, and determine the future of the world itself...… (altro)
Titolo:Carrion Comfort
Autori:Dan Simmons (Autore)
Info:Headline Book Publishing (1990), 992 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Danza macabra di Dan Simmons (1989)

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Romanzo d'azione molto coinvolgente e scoppiettante. L'idea del controllo mentale praticato da taluni su altre persone mi è parsa splendida ( )
  zinf | Apr 12, 2017 |
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"Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, despair, not feast on thee;

Not untwist—slack they may be—these last strands of man

In me or, most weary, cry I can no more..."

—Gerard Manley Hopkins
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This is for Ed Bryant
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Saul Laski lay among the soon-to-die in a camp of death and thought about life.
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All humans feed on violence, on the small exercises of power over another, but few have tasted—as we have— the ultimate power.
Harod couldn't tell if he was seeing biceps or triceps; they all seem to flow together, like gerbils humping under a tight tarp.
Justice is required… It is demanded by the millions of voices from unmarked graves, from rusting ovens, from empty houses in a thousand cities. But not revenge. Revenge is not worthy. (Simon Wiesenthal)
Ultime parole
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Nota di disambiguazione
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Carrion Comfort was published in France as L'Échiquier du mal in multiple editions. There was a single volume (combined with the main Carrion Comfort work), a two volume set and a four volume set. The boxed sets are combined into the main Carrion Comfort work, but the individual volumes should not be combined together.
Redattore editoriale
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DDC/MDS Canonico
LCC canonico

Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"CARRION COMFORT is one of the three greatest horror novels of the 20th century. Simple as that." --Stephen King"Epic in scale and scope but intimately disturbing, CARRION COMFORT spans the ages to rewrite history and tug at the very fabric of reality. A nightmarish chronicle of predator and prey that will shatter your world view forever. A true classic." --Guillermo del Toro"CARRION COMFORT is one of the scariest books ever written. Whenever I get the question asked Who's your favorite author? my answer is always Dan Simmons." --James Rollins"One of the few major reinventions of the vampire concept, on a par with Jack Finney's Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, and Stephen King's Salem's Lot. --David MorrellTHE PAST... Caught behind the lines of Hitler's Final Solution, Saul Laski is one of the multitudes destined to die in the notorious Chelmno extermination camp. Until he rises to meet his fate and finds himself face to face with an evil far older, and far greater, than the Nazi's themselves...THE PRESENT... Compelled by the encounter to survive at all costs, so begins a journey that for Saul will span decades and cross continents, plunging into the darkest corners of 20th century history to reveal a secret society of beings who may often exist behind the world's most horrible and violent events. Killing from a distance, and by darkly manipulative proxy, they are people with the psychic ability to 'use' humans: read their minds, subjugate them to their wills, experience through their senses, feed off their emotions, force them to acts of unspeakable aggression. Each year, three of the most powerful of this hidden order meet to discuss their ongoing campaign of induced bloodshed and deliberate destruction. But this reunion, something will go terribly wrong. Saul's quest is about to reach its elusive object, drawing hunter and hunted alike into a struggle that will plumb the depths of mankind's attraction to violence, and determine the future of the world itself...

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