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The Favorite Daughter

di Patti Callahan Henry

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10911258,462 (4.08)1
On her wedding day ten years ago, Lena Donohue experienced a betrayal so painful that she fled the small town of Watersend, South Carolina, and reinvented herself in New York City. Though now a freelance travel writer, the one place she rarely goes is home - until she learns of her dads failing health. Returning to Watersend means seeing the sister she has avoided for a decade and the brother who runs their familys Irish pub - and who has borne the burden of his sisters rift. While Alzheimer's slowly steals their father's memories, the siblings rush to preserve his life in stories and photographs. As his secret past brings Lena's own childhood into focus, it sends her on a journey to discover the true meaning of home.… (altro)
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Colleen is the oldest of three siblings. She is especially close to her sister, Hallie, and very fond of brother, Shane. They grow up in a small South Carolina town where their dad owns and operates an authentic Irish pub, which is their second home.

Colleen's world collapses on her wedding day by an unforgivable betrayal. She leaves town only to return for her mother's funeral and, ten years later, she returns after a call from her brother with grave concerns about their father's descent into Alzheimer's. Her deep love for her father impels her return to a town where two people she loved unconditionally were those who betrayed her. She is asked by Shane to participate in planning a party to celebrate her dad's birthday, which resurrects buried memories for her family and her severed relationships. There is a long-buried secret disclosed by her father, which explains why she always felt a distance from her mother. ( )
  pdebolt | Aug 16, 2023 |
Loved this book! Another wonderful read from one of my new favorite authors from the Friends and Fiction group! ( )
  Dianekeenoy | Apr 14, 2022 |
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bookshop at Water’s End, here is a lush, heart-wrenching novel about the power of memory, the meaning of family, and learning to forgive.
This was truly a moving account of how families can be torn apart by secrets and how even if you love someone, it can be very hard to forgive them. The characters were memorable and easy to relate to. I could not put this one down and give it a very strong 5 stars. ( )
  SharleneMartinMoore | Apr 24, 2021 |
The Favorite Daughter

A beautifully written novel steeped in family drama of betrayal, secrets and forgiveness.


There is nothing as painful as the wedding-day betrayal Lena experienced ten years ago. When she left the church on that horrific day she also left the small town of Watersend, South Carolina, and hasn’t been back since.

She reinvented herself as a travel writer in New York City. But now she has gotten a call that her father is not doing well and her family needs help. Returning to Watersend means seeing her sister, Hallie, who she has successfully avoided for a decade, and her baby brother, Shane who runs the family’s Irish pub. While Alzheimer’s steals their father’s memories, the siblings attempt to preserve his life stories and in photographs. But her dad’s secret past brings Lena’s own childhood into focus, and sends her on a journey to discover the true meaning of home and family.

What is home? Is it just the place where you live or is there something more to it than that? THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER is a brilliantly written, emotional novel steeped in a family drama of betrayal, secrets and forgiveness. The characters are delightfully well-developed and you can’t help but feel their angst and pain.

Author Patti Callahan Henry’s writing is stellar. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and didn’t want it to end. Her word choices and dialog make the story come alive on the page. My favorite part was Lena’s exploration of the meaning of forgiveness, family and home.

Henry is a New York Times bestselling author of fifteen books, including the historical novel, BECOMING MRS. LEWIS. She is a full-time author and mother of three children, she now resides in both Mountain Brook, Alabama and Bluffton, South Carolina with her husband.

Publisher Berkley Books
Published June 4 2019
Narrated Joycelyn Jackson
Review ( )
  LisaSHarvey | Jun 9, 2020 |
4.5 stars.

The Favorite Daughter by Patti Callahan Henry is a bittersweet novel of healing and forgiveness.

Ten years earlier, Colleen "Lena" Donohue's life is shattered on what should have been the happiest day of her life. Instead of marrying the man of her dreams, she flees from heartbreak and betrayal. After starting over in New York, Colleen is now a successful travel writer who rarely goes home to visit her family. But after a shocking phone call from her younger brother Shane about their beloved father, Gavin, she returns to South Carolina. Forced to face her father's heart wrenching diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's, Colleen must also navigate her painful relationship with her younger sister, Hallie. Working on a memory book to help their father revisit his memories, Hallie and Colleen uncover a troubling discrepancy in the timeline of his trip to Ireland and the purchase of their pub in South Carolina. Are people mis-remembering when key events occurred? And wiill this enforced togetherness help Colleen forgive Hallie?

Colleen has spent the past ten years trying to move on from her heartache but these long ago events have left her with deep-seated trust issues. Although she does date, she has never had a serious relationship nor does she want one. Colleen's visits home have been scarce and with meticulous planning, she has avoided seeing Hallie. But with her father's diagnosis, the three siblings have no choice but to pull together for his sake. Will Colleen capitulate when everyone encourages her to let bygones be bygones? Or are there some betrayals that are too painful to forgive?

Gavin is much loved in their small community and his pub is a popular gathering place. Initially in denial about his diagnosis, he is eventually forced to accept that his precious memories are slipping away. Now that Colleen is in town, he is a little more forceful in his attempts to convince her to make peace with Hallie. But is it too late for his daughters to regain their once close relationship?

The Favorite Daughter is a captivating novel that is poignant yet heartwarming. The characters are richly developed with all too human foibles. The storyline tugs on the heartstrings as Colleen, Hallie and Shane must face the heartbreaking truth about their father's diagnosis. Patti Callahan Henry brings the novel to a moving conclusion that is quite gratifying. Readers of the genre are sure to enjoy this beautifully written, family-centric story.
( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
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On her wedding day ten years ago, Lena Donohue experienced a betrayal so painful that she fled the small town of Watersend, South Carolina, and reinvented herself in New York City. Though now a freelance travel writer, the one place she rarely goes is home - until she learns of her dads failing health. Returning to Watersend means seeing the sister she has avoided for a decade and the brother who runs their familys Irish pub - and who has borne the burden of his sisters rift. While Alzheimer's slowly steals their father's memories, the siblings rush to preserve his life in stories and photographs. As his secret past brings Lena's own childhood into focus, it sends her on a journey to discover the true meaning of home.

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