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My Ex-Best Friend's Wedding

di Wendy Wax

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"Prized and stored away for safekeeping, the timeless ivory wedding dress, with its scooped neck and cleverly fitted bodice, sits gently folded in its box, whispering of Happily Ever Afters. To Kendra, Brianna, and Lauren it's a reminder of what could have been, the promise of a fairy tale, and a friendship torn apart. But as Kendra knows firsthand: it wasn't the dress's fault. Once closer than sisters, Lauren and Bree have grown up and grown apart, allowing broken promises and unfulfilled dreams to destroy their friendship. A successful author, Lauren returns home to the Outer Banks, fiance in tow, to claim the dress she never thought she'd wear. While Bree, a bookstore owner, grapples with the realities of life after you marry the handsome prince. As the former best friends wrestle with their uncertain futures, they are both certain of one thing: some betrayals can never be forgiven. Now on the eve of her daughter Lauren's wedding, Kendra struggles with a secret she's kept for far too long. And vows to make sure the dress will finally bring Lauren and Bree back together--knowing they'll need each other to survive the coming storm"--… (altro)
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Lauren and Bree were best friends once upon a time. Until, that is, Bree married Lauren's boyfriend after Lauren heads off to NY on her own and doesn't come back. To make matters worse, Lauren's mom has taken Bree under her wing. Lauren returns home to get the wedding dress that has been passed down in her family, and her mom has to give up a secret long held in order to get the friends to forgive each other before the wedding.

I really enjoyed this book. Author Wendy Wax created complex, flawed characters that were honest, very relatable, albeit infuriating at times. I definitely was sucked into the story emotionally. The multiple viewpoints were handled well, and the story moved at a solid pace. This is a book that is all about forgiveness and friendship.

I've been going to the Outer Banks for years (and my husband grew up going there every summer) so I definitely felt an emotional pull for her setting, and her descriptions were spot on (including a few longtime favorites.) Her setting was definitely well researched.

I read this in one sitting, and I would love to see more from these characters!

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ( )
  jenncaffeinated | Jul 4, 2021 |
This was fast read for me. I'm used to reading thrillers so this was a very nice change of pace for me. This for me is what most people call a beach read. It was a nice, lite interesting story. It was a refreshing change of the stories I normally read. Loved the characters and it seemed like it could happen for real. I don't like books that are so far fetched that you find it impossible to even enjoy because you know it could not happen.with that said I'd give this 4 stars and recommend it to anyone who wants a lite read. ( )
  kmjessica | Apr 26, 2020 |
4.5 stars.

My Ex-Best Friend's Wedding by Wendy Wax is an engrossing novel of family, friendship and love.

Lauren James' fortieth birthday brings unexpected changes. A best-selling author, her agent has some not so great news for her. Her boyfriend, Spencer Harrison, surprises her with an over-the-top public display that takes her quite a while to come to terms with. But the biggest shocker is waiting for her at her mother's home back in her hometown in the Outer Banks. Her return home also means facing her former best friend, Bree Williams, and their twenty year estrangement. Will Lauren and Bree salvage their friendship? Will Lauren forgive her mother for her shocking betrayal?

From childhood through their college graduation, Lauren and Bree think of one another as sisters. Bree's parents gave little thought to their daughter as they set off on archeological digs. Following the death of Bree's beloved grandmother, Lauren and her mother Kendra invited her to live with them. The two friends were once inseparable and they had big plans for their lives after college. At the last minute, Bree decides to remain in the Outer Banks where she went on to marry Clay Williams, give birth to two children and purchase a book store. Lauren moves to New York where she struggles to get her writing career off the ground. Each of the women is harboring a grudge that neither are willing to forgive. But when Kendra's confession rips the rug out from underneath Lauren, will she and Bree repair the rift between them?

Lauren views the world as black and white and she is quite stubborn and unforgiving. Absolutely furious with Kendra, she refuses to even try to listen to or understand her mother's reasons for a long ago decision. She is surprised by how she and Bree sometimes slip back into their old routine, but is Lauren ready to let go of her closely held animosity?

Bree is a people pleaser who allows everyone walk all over her. Her marriage to Clay has been in trouble for years, but her fears prevent her from confronting him about his behavior. With the standoff between her and Lauren finally thawing a bit, will Bree find the courage to make some much needed changes in her life?

Kendra has long regretted a decision she made over forty years earlier. She and Lauren are quite close and she is still heavily involved in Bree's life. Kendra is looking forward to Lauren and Spencer's visit, but she is also dreading telling her daughter the truth about the secrets she has been keeping. When the situation quickly spirals out of control, will Kendra's relationship with Lauren ever recover?

Unfolding from various points of view, My Ex-Best Friend's Wedding is a heartfelt novel of forgiveness. Bree, Lauren and Kendra are vibrantly developed, imperfect characters who are easy to root for. Wendy Wax 's descriptive prose brings the Outer Banks and various characters vividly to life. Bree, Lauren and Kendra grow throughout the story as they finally work through the issues that have plagued them for so long. The novel comes to a heartwarming conclusion that readers are absolutely going to love. I greatly enjoyed and highly recommend this charming story. ( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
I only had a few take aways about a kind of meh read. Decades of family secrets and grudges will come back and kick you in the butt. I liked the description of THE DRESS being similar to the jeans in the Sisterhood books. I enjoyed having more mature main characters, as the book swings between the two friends, Bree and Lauren (turning 40) and Lauren's mom Kendra. ( )
  ethel55 | Sep 29, 2019 |
I had a day down yesterday, just down enough to read and still eat, but not feeling great so I was able to finish this book in a day. Just not a favorite of mine, I can only say I truly loved the Beach Road Series. This books characters didn't have enough depth to them, I didn't understand why Kendra left a guy at the Alter 40 years ago, Brianna takes 15 years to write a book and I couldn't stand the name of it and then its done and awesome. Sorry hard to describe, but I will never hesitate to buy a Wendy Wax still, I just hope it's not like this one. ( )
  mchwest | Sep 16, 2019 |
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"Prized and stored away for safekeeping, the timeless ivory wedding dress, with its scooped neck and cleverly fitted bodice, sits gently folded in its box, whispering of Happily Ever Afters. To Kendra, Brianna, and Lauren it's a reminder of what could have been, the promise of a fairy tale, and a friendship torn apart. But as Kendra knows firsthand: it wasn't the dress's fault. Once closer than sisters, Lauren and Bree have grown up and grown apart, allowing broken promises and unfulfilled dreams to destroy their friendship. A successful author, Lauren returns home to the Outer Banks, fiance in tow, to claim the dress she never thought she'd wear. While Bree, a bookstore owner, grapples with the realities of life after you marry the handsome prince. As the former best friends wrestle with their uncertain futures, they are both certain of one thing: some betrayals can never be forgiven. Now on the eve of her daughter Lauren's wedding, Kendra struggles with a secret she's kept for far too long. And vows to make sure the dress will finally bring Lauren and Bree back together--knowing they'll need each other to survive the coming storm"--

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