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Loving Irish

di Katy Regnery

Serie: Summerhaven (3)

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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"Another beautifully-written, evocative and thoroughly enjoyable story that makes a fine finale to the Summerhaven Trio!" Tessa Shapcott, former Mills & Boon editor

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Blueberry Lane series comes a new trio of romances featuring the Haven triplets!

Ian Haven and Halcyon Gilbert haven't seen each other since Hallie's 17th birthday...
...the same day Hallie pledged she would never, ever speak to Ian again as long as she lived.

Hallie Gilbert has had an especially awful year. When her husband of five years left her, Hallie's 4-year-old daughter, Jenny, essentially stopped speaking. Add to this, she had to sell her Boston apartment to pay her husband's exorbitant credit card bills. What Hallie needs is an uncomplicated autumn at Colby Cottage, her family's summer home in Sandwich, NH, where she and Jenny can re-group and figure out what happens next.

But Colby Cottage, located adjacent to the Summerhaven Camp, has not been well-maintained and Hallie finds it in such disrepair, it's almost unlivable. When nearby camp owner, Rory Haven, arranges for his brother, Ian, to handle renovations for Hallie, her plans for an uncomplicated autumn suddenly get a lot more challenging.


Book #1: Fighting Irish (Rory and Brittany)
Book #2: Smiling Irish (Tierney and Burr)
Book #3: Loving Irish (Ian and Hallie)
Book #4: Catching Irish (Fin and Tate)

… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dareadonreader, DebbyeC, karenhulseman, Lashea677
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Loved it. It was a story of such heartbreak but then it turned right around and mended your heart back together. Hallie and Ian had a young love that went through so much trials and tribulations that it split them up then years later fate brought them back together but Hallie had a heart full of hate and Ian had a heart full of regrets. Trust me you will love everything g about it and want to read it again and again.

“I’m making amends to show you that I’m a changed man, but also because it’s all I can do. I can’t change my wrongdoings. I can admit them. I can apologize for them. But that’s not enough.”

“hate isn’t the opposite of love. That’d be indifference.” ( )
  readonreader | Jan 24, 2024 |
Loved it. It was a story of such heartbreak but then it turned right around and mended your heart back together. Hallie and Ian had a young love that went through so much trials and tribulations that it split them up then years later fate brought them back together but Hallie had a heart full of hate and Ian had a heart full of regrets. Trust me you will love everything g about it and want to read it again and again.

“I’m making amends to show you that I’m a changed man, but also because it’s all I can do. I can’t change my wrongdoings. I can admit them. I can apologize for them. But that’s not enough.”

“hate isn’t the opposite of love. That’d be indifference.” ( )
  readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Once again Katy Regnery has blown this reader away with this second chance romance. I may be a superfan, but this last book in the trio was the icing on the cake.

I think what really touched me as a reader is to see Ian come so far. To be honest, I believe you need to read the other two (and why wouldn't you) before you embark on Hallie and Ian's story. I think to understand the demons that Ian struggles with as he tries to make amends with those he has hurt. Katy delivers a raw, honest human who is deeply in love and truly wants the best for this person. Even at the cost of happiness. You'll find yourself cheering for our hero from the depths of your soul.

Hallie brings all the feelings that anyone in her situation would bring. She is cautious and rightfully so. But eventually listening to her heart wins over her brain.

Once again, I am in love with the genre. Ms. Regnery brings to the table everything I love about romance and second chances. If you've not read books 1&2, they are equally enchanting. But I will say this one stole my heart. 5 out of 5 stars. ( )
  karenhulseman | Dec 3, 2019 |
Regnery has done it again. Loving Irish, ran away with more than half of my heart. Hallie and Ian were meant to be together, yet forced to exist apart. Can they let go of the past and concentrate on taking a chance on their future? From young love to adult heartbreak, Irish proves that TRUE love will never die, when the heart is determined to find a way. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"Another beautifully-written, evocative and thoroughly enjoyable story that makes a fine finale to the Summerhaven Trio!" Tessa Shapcott, former Mills & Boon editor

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Blueberry Lane series comes a new trio of romances featuring the Haven triplets!

Ian Haven and Halcyon Gilbert haven't seen each other since Hallie's 17th birthday...
...the same day Hallie pledged she would never, ever speak to Ian again as long as she lived.

Hallie Gilbert has had an especially awful year. When her husband of five years left her, Hallie's 4-year-old daughter, Jenny, essentially stopped speaking. Add to this, she had to sell her Boston apartment to pay her husband's exorbitant credit card bills. What Hallie needs is an uncomplicated autumn at Colby Cottage, her family's summer home in Sandwich, NH, where she and Jenny can re-group and figure out what happens next.

But Colby Cottage, located adjacent to the Summerhaven Camp, has not been well-maintained and Hallie finds it in such disrepair, it's almost unlivable. When nearby camp owner, Rory Haven, arranges for his brother, Ian, to handle renovations for Hallie, her plans for an uncomplicated autumn suddenly get a lot more challenging.


Book #1: Fighting Irish (Rory and Brittany)
Book #2: Smiling Irish (Tierney and Burr)
Book #3: Loving Irish (Ian and Hallie)
Book #4: Catching Irish (Fin and Tate)


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