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Marrying Miss Milton

di Ashtyn Newbold

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When a simple kiss is turned to scandal by a conniving mother, can a forced marriage transform two regretful hearts? Tall, dark, and brooding, the Viscount of Barnet stole Jane Milton's heart the day she saw him astride his black horse in the woods. When she learns of his upcoming trip to Brighton, she grasps at an opportunity to be a companion to an elderly woman there, in order to follow-er-accompany Lord Barnet to the seaside town. Mr. Philip Honeyfield has suffered the dreaded misfortune of inheriting a title. Ungainly and shy, how can he perform well in the eye of society? To navigate his new role, Philip seeks advice from an unlikely source. When he is smitten by his grandmother's new companion, Miss Jane Milton, his advisor offers one final piece of counsel: he must kiss her at the upcoming ball. But a moonlit kiss can be catastrophic when witnessed by a cunning mother, a marriage can be inconvenient when forced, and a woman's heart can be difficult to win when it belongs to another. Can an unexpected love conquer Jane's resentment and Philip's regret? Or will that simple kiss turn out to be his greatest misfortune of all?… (altro)
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I was only mildly on board for a while, but the last third or so was really very sweet. Very fast, easy read. ( )
  Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |
Jane Milton, unattractive by her family's standards, has been waiting for the opportunity to win the man she loves. When she follows him to Bath, however, she is kissed by Mr. Philip Honeyfield, and her life is changed forever.

At first, I was unimpressed with jane. She managed to avoid a neighbor she believes she loves for seven years because she doesn't want to be compared to her prettier sisters. Talk about being obsessive! But the more I saw how her family treated her, as unattractive, unwanted, the more I felt sorry for her.

Philip was a more likable character, although his own uncertainties were tiresome after a while. He follows some rather poor advice and it lands him in a mess with Jane. Still, he does the best he can in the circumstances and tries to make amends.

The plot is fairly simple and moves at a good pace. (I see Lord Ramsbury, who has been in the previous book and this one, is featured in the third book, but all I want to do at the moment is punch him for being stupid.)

I would recommend this to readers looking for a sweet, clean Regency romance. ( )
  TheQuietReader | Feb 9, 2019 |
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When a simple kiss is turned to scandal by a conniving mother, can a forced marriage transform two regretful hearts? Tall, dark, and brooding, the Viscount of Barnet stole Jane Milton's heart the day she saw him astride his black horse in the woods. When she learns of his upcoming trip to Brighton, she grasps at an opportunity to be a companion to an elderly woman there, in order to follow-er-accompany Lord Barnet to the seaside town. Mr. Philip Honeyfield has suffered the dreaded misfortune of inheriting a title. Ungainly and shy, how can he perform well in the eye of society? To navigate his new role, Philip seeks advice from an unlikely source. When he is smitten by his grandmother's new companion, Miss Jane Milton, his advisor offers one final piece of counsel: he must kiss her at the upcoming ball. But a moonlit kiss can be catastrophic when witnessed by a cunning mother, a marriage can be inconvenient when forced, and a woman's heart can be difficult to win when it belongs to another. Can an unexpected love conquer Jane's resentment and Philip's regret? Or will that simple kiss turn out to be his greatest misfortune of all?

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