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The Girl from the Sugar Plantation: A gripping and emotional family saga of love and secrets (The Quint Chronicles)

di Sharon Maas

Serie: Quint Chronicles (1)

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1934, Guyana. All her life, Mary Grace has wanted to know the truth about who her parents really are. As the mixed-race daughter of two white plantation owners, her childhood has been clouded by whispered rumours, and the circumstances of her birth have been kept a closely guarded secret. Aunt Winnie is the only person Mary Grace can confide in. Feeling lost and lonely, her place in society uncertain, Mary Grace decides to forge her own path in the world. And she finds herself unexpectedly falling for charming and affluent Jock Campbell, a planter with revolutionary ideas. But with the onset of the Second World War, their lives will be changed forever. And Mary Grace and Jock will be faced with the hardest decision of all, to fight for freedom or to follow their hearts. An utterly compelling and evocative story about the heart-breaking choices men and women had to make during a time of unimaginable change.… (altro)
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I read this 1930s to 1950s historical fiction set in Georgetown, Guyana, as part of my read around the world challenge. The author was born and raised in Guyana.

I learned a little about the country along the way. Guyana is on the northern mainland of South America, and was colonised by the Dutch before becoming a British sugar-producing colony in the late 18th century, called British Guiana. It gained independence in 1966. Guyana is the only South American nation in which English is the official language. However, the majority of the population speak Guyanese Creole, an English-based creole, as a first language. It is considered part of the mainland Caribbean region. The population is made up of around 40% Indian, 30% African, 20%, Multiracial and 10% Indigenous peoples with Europeans making up less than 0.5% of the population.

This is the third story in the Quint Chronicles however the first one I have read, which didn’t seem to be a problem. It is the story of Mary Grace Smedley Cox, the mixed race daughter of wealthy white plantation owners. Grace struggles to be accepted by society and wrestles with the mystery of her birth and a difficult relationship with her forceful mother. She feels a much stronger bond to her wise and affectionate aunt Winnie and her sons.

When Jock Campbell emigrates to British Guiana (affectionately known as BG by the locals) with ambitious plans to dramatically improve the lot of the oppressed plantation workers, Grace finally feels she has met a soulmate. The story is an insight into the struggles of a woman of colour in colonial British Guiana and also into the politics of change. Jock Campbell is a historical figure, a dedicated reformer and he was also later instrumental in establishing the Man Booker prize. Passionate revolutionary Cheddi Jaggan is also featured. I enjoyed this book although I felt it sagged somewhat towards the end, with a not overly inspiring ending. There were some lengthy political monologues along the way but I would be happy to read another book by Sharon Maas. ( )
  mimbza | May 11, 2024 |
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1934, Guyana. All her life, Mary Grace has wanted to know the truth about who her parents really are. As the mixed-race daughter of two white plantation owners, her childhood has been clouded by whispered rumours, and the circumstances of her birth have been kept a closely guarded secret. Aunt Winnie is the only person Mary Grace can confide in. Feeling lost and lonely, her place in society uncertain, Mary Grace decides to forge her own path in the world. And she finds herself unexpectedly falling for charming and affluent Jock Campbell, a planter with revolutionary ideas. But with the onset of the Second World War, their lives will be changed forever. And Mary Grace and Jock will be faced with the hardest decision of all, to fight for freedom or to follow their hearts. An utterly compelling and evocative story about the heart-breaking choices men and women had to make during a time of unimaginable change.

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