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Encounter Vol. 1

di Art Baltazar

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A brand-new comic from the creators of Tiny Titans and Mini Marvels-Art Baltazar, Franco, and Chris Giarrusso-teamed up for the first time! Encounter is a new kind of hero; an alien escaped to Earth with pods that will eventually hatch to become his siblings, who can take any form he chooses, and decides to become a hero! With help from his talking dog, Barko, he fights crime on our planet. But there is a mysterious figure who will try anything to defeat him. In Volume 1, Encounter and Barko must defend the pods from villains such as Gadget Man, Cold Blaze the Thermodynamic Shark, and Ribbon Rhonda. No matter the odds, Encounter will always find a way to save the day!|A brand-new series from the creators of Tiny Titans and Mini Marvels! Encounter is a new kind of hero; an alien escaped to Earth, who can take any form he chooses, and decides to become a hero! With help from his talking dog, Barko, he fights crime on our planet.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLibrarianRyan

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If you or your kids liked the Tiny Titans or Tiny Hellboy (etc) graphic, than be sure to pick up this brand new book by the same guys. And this is a new superhero named Encounter. He has a blue pup sidekick and even a robot bone. They will help those in need, and maybe even solve a mystery or two. This green and orange speckled alien, will be the new superhero your tikes can't stop stalking bout. Both fun and entertaining, this book is a great edition to the already popular series by Baltazar. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Nov 9, 2018 |
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A brand-new comic from the creators of Tiny Titans and Mini Marvels-Art Baltazar, Franco, and Chris Giarrusso-teamed up for the first time! Encounter is a new kind of hero; an alien escaped to Earth with pods that will eventually hatch to become his siblings, who can take any form he chooses, and decides to become a hero! With help from his talking dog, Barko, he fights crime on our planet. But there is a mysterious figure who will try anything to defeat him. In Volume 1, Encounter and Barko must defend the pods from villains such as Gadget Man, Cold Blaze the Thermodynamic Shark, and Ribbon Rhonda. No matter the odds, Encounter will always find a way to save the day!|A brand-new series from the creators of Tiny Titans and Mini Marvels! Encounter is a new kind of hero; an alien escaped to Earth, who can take any form he chooses, and decides to become a hero! With help from his talking dog, Barko, he fights crime on our planet.

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