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A Team Macachek Christmas

di Jean C. Gordon

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Fall in love with the strong women and fearless men of the motocross circuit in these three heartwarming holiday stories: Holiday Escape Bridget O'Brien lost her fianc? to a dangerous job. And, while she'd love to have a relationship like the one she lost, the last thing she wants is one with another man who willingly puts his life in danger. Luke Foster is a motocross racer whose track record with women runs short and no-strings-attached on both sides. He'd never seriously pursue a forever-after woman like Bridget. All they want is a holiday week away. Bridget from her well-meaning family's condolences about her planned Christmas Eve wedding and her memories of a future that won't be. Luke from his family's annual critique at which he and his life choices always fall short of expectations. But, under the blue Caribbean skies, anything can happen. Team Macachek Christmas Sparks fly from a Christmastime reunion of motocross racer Jesse Brewster and his ex-girlfriend Lauren Cooper. Being thrown together to plan the race team's Christmas party reignites a flame Lauren thought she'd extinguished when she broke up with Jesse six months earlier. But will Jesse's well-meaning secret Christmas gift-meant to help win her back-compromise the independence Lauren is fighting to establish? Is it, as she maintains, the wrong time for their love? Christmas Pizza to the Rescue Jilted at the alter two weeks ago, motocross champion Royce Evans plans to make an appearance at the Team Macachek Christmas party to show the guys he's just fine. Then he'll hunker down alone at the team barracks for the rest of the holiday season. Out-of-work investigative reporter turned pizza delivery person Samantha Linder needs money for her younger sister's special school tuition and needs to re-establish her cred as a reporter. When a freak winter rain storm strands them alone at the barracks, they strike a bargain that benefits them both. But after Sam appears to break that bargain, can even the spirit of Christmas save their blossoming love?… (altro)
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A Team Macachek Christmas
Lauren is taking finals, NY and he's left her behind after the break up text.
She's moved on and she's helping by giving her mother money after their separation.
Lauren is clenaing rooms and runs into Jessie as he's there for the Christmas party. She's used her money to buy gifts for relatives and the car and has no money for her books...
Mom wants her to contact her dad and get money from him.
Story also follows Jessie and he's there in town for the party but she gets under his skin, as always.
Like how they work together and you get to hear each of their side to the story.
What I love about this book is I've read the latest book in the saga and it helps me understand what happened prior-fills in the missing pieces for me.
.Love hearing about all the decorations and the surprise he has for her for Christmas.

Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion. ( )
  jbarr5 | Nov 6, 2018 |
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Fall in love with the strong women and fearless men of the motocross circuit in these three heartwarming holiday stories: Holiday Escape Bridget O'Brien lost her fianc? to a dangerous job. And, while she'd love to have a relationship like the one she lost, the last thing she wants is one with another man who willingly puts his life in danger. Luke Foster is a motocross racer whose track record with women runs short and no-strings-attached on both sides. He'd never seriously pursue a forever-after woman like Bridget. All they want is a holiday week away. Bridget from her well-meaning family's condolences about her planned Christmas Eve wedding and her memories of a future that won't be. Luke from his family's annual critique at which he and his life choices always fall short of expectations. But, under the blue Caribbean skies, anything can happen. Team Macachek Christmas Sparks fly from a Christmastime reunion of motocross racer Jesse Brewster and his ex-girlfriend Lauren Cooper. Being thrown together to plan the race team's Christmas party reignites a flame Lauren thought she'd extinguished when she broke up with Jesse six months earlier. But will Jesse's well-meaning secret Christmas gift-meant to help win her back-compromise the independence Lauren is fighting to establish? Is it, as she maintains, the wrong time for their love? Christmas Pizza to the Rescue Jilted at the alter two weeks ago, motocross champion Royce Evans plans to make an appearance at the Team Macachek Christmas party to show the guys he's just fine. Then he'll hunker down alone at the team barracks for the rest of the holiday season. Out-of-work investigative reporter turned pizza delivery person Samantha Linder needs money for her younger sister's special school tuition and needs to re-establish her cred as a reporter. When a freak winter rain storm strands them alone at the barracks, they strike a bargain that benefits them both. But after Sam appears to break that bargain, can even the spirit of Christmas save their blossoming love?

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