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Seth Price: Knots

di Seth Price

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This lavish picture-book surveys Seth Price's (*1973, Jerusalem) 2009-13 series of Knot Paintings, in which Price unites his signature vacuum-forming technique-an industrial plastic packaging process- with a refined group of painterly techniques that include acrylic and oil, spray-paint, screen-printing, poured resins, and patterned fabrics. Museum Brandhorst director Achim Hochdörfer has written: "Each Knot Painting introduces a fresh set of concerns: drawing and print techniques are integrated, slits are made in the surface, new ways of applying paint are tested. Painting becomes a node in a network of media-related and societal references." Price developed the book's concept and materials in close collaboration with designer Joseph Logan, yielding an artist's book in which the layout moves from extreme close-up to full views of these rich surfaces, while plastics and metal in the book's binding reflect the materiality of the works.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente darpeckham, petervanbeveren
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This lavish picture-book surveys Seth Price’s (born 1973) 2009–13 series of Knot Paintings, in which Price unites his signature vacuum-forming technique―an industrial plastic packaging process― with a refined group of painterly techniques that include acrylic and oil, spray paint, screen printing, poured resins and patterned fabrics. Museum Brandhorst director Achim Hochdörfer has written: “Each Knot Painting introduces a fresh set of concerns: drawing and print techniques are integrated, slits are made in the surface, new ways of applying paint are tested. Painting becomes a node in a network of media-related and societal references.”
Price developed the book’s concept and materials in close collaboration with designer Joseph Logan, yielding an artist's book in which the layout moves from extreme close-up to full views of these rich surfaces, while plastics and metal in the book's binding reflect the materiality of the works.
  petervanbeveren | Oct 3, 2018 |
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This lavish picture-book surveys Seth Price's (*1973, Jerusalem) 2009-13 series of Knot Paintings, in which Price unites his signature vacuum-forming technique-an industrial plastic packaging process- with a refined group of painterly techniques that include acrylic and oil, spray-paint, screen-printing, poured resins, and patterned fabrics. Museum Brandhorst director Achim Hochdörfer has written: "Each Knot Painting introduces a fresh set of concerns: drawing and print techniques are integrated, slits are made in the surface, new ways of applying paint are tested. Painting becomes a node in a network of media-related and societal references." Price developed the book's concept and materials in close collaboration with designer Joseph Logan, yielding an artist's book in which the layout moves from extreme close-up to full views of these rich surfaces, while plastics and metal in the book's binding reflect the materiality of the works.

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