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Greek Millionaire, Unruly Wife

di Sun Chara

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215,380,446 (3.5)Nessuno
A tempestuous fling...a marriage...a betrayal? When Michalis Leonadis' bride jumps ship at the first sign of rough waters, he's annoyed. When she costs him a marriage and a billion dollar deal, he's furious; but when he discovers she ditched him whilst harboring a secret...he's out for revenge. Ex-model, Julia Armstrong gave up everything for Michalis but when she catches him with another woman, crushed, she jets out of his life. The proud Greek blasts back into her world seeking retribution--in exchange for a divorce, he demands she relinquish the one thing she cannot. Her daughter. Only one other bargaining chip remains...Julia herself.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dasilvana77
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When Julia finds her husband with another woman that is the end no matter how rich or how handsome he is. But Michalis Leonidis a Greek tycoon doesn’t share the same meaning with her. He wants revenge and he is furious. It is not about a billion dollar deal broken or his marriage but he can’t pass through the secret Julia hides from him. So, Michalis gets big vengeance on her.

The story is typical romance there is everything that one good romance book could have two persons in love but they hate each other, one big secret which leads the tale ahead, hot- cold situation and many things which I love.

I like Julia because she knows what she wants. She is an independent woman who doesn’t have only beauty but also has other qualification to be a great female.

“Not long ago, she’d owned countless such designer gowns, shoes, jewelry, and had the man- the life- to go with it. A sound gurgled in her throat, and the girl cast her odd look. Julia swallowed and turned away, blinking back the tears pressing against her lids.”

One of the we-are-enemies scenes:

…when he shifted his eyes to her, his tender look became eclipsed…

“Don’t look at me like that,” she’d said between her teeth.

“Like what?”

“Like I’ve committed some great sin.”

He scratched his cheek with the pad odd his thumb. “Conscience nipping at you?”

“No,” she hissed. “ It’s not my conscience that’s guilty, it’s-“

I recommend this novel to everyone who wants easy romantic story especially to read on the beach. ( )
  silvana77 | Oct 7, 2018 |
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A tempestuous fling...a marriage...a betrayal? When Michalis Leonadis' bride jumps ship at the first sign of rough waters, he's annoyed. When she costs him a marriage and a billion dollar deal, he's furious; but when he discovers she ditched him whilst harboring a secret...he's out for revenge. Ex-model, Julia Armstrong gave up everything for Michalis but when she catches him with another woman, crushed, she jets out of his life. The proud Greek blasts back into her world seeking retribution--in exchange for a divorce, he demands she relinquish the one thing she cannot. Her daughter. Only one other bargaining chip remains...Julia herself.

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