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Bad Boys of Willow Valley: STONE

di Shannyn Leah

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"Stone Patino was once a bad boy, but not since moving to Willow Valley. He left that bad boy life behind years ago. Left it in the underground fighting ring he used to call his home. Now, he lives in the country and works on cars. He prefers the simple life without someone trying to put their fist through his face on a weekly basis. There's just one thing about that life he misses. Bowie Blake was once a bad girl too. But now she's a socialite turned reality TV star who turned her back ten years ago on the love of her life, Stone Patino. Full of regret and needing help, she seeks out Stone again. She drags Stone back into the ring to fight her battles and save her wheelchair-bound brother. Stone agrees, but must fight through his own demons and his love for Bowie. Both soon learn it's not easy to fight the same battles they'd already fought and lost so many years ago. But now it's a fight they both aim to win. Note from the author: This is a small town, bad boy, second chance, unde...… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daDolphinmom729, ShannynLeah, Pam50627

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This is another fabulous book in the Bad Boy of Willow Valley, Shannyn Leah has brought a new bad boy that has his own demons to fight. When a person is betrayed by someone they love, anger or hate can come out in many forms. You can runaway from it but sooner or later is will come around again. The chemistry between Stone and Bowie surprised me a little as she came back into his life as after 10 years but they say love doesn't die. It can surprise a person what love can do for two people. The Bad Boys of Willow Valley are worth a first, second and third read. ( )
  Dolphinmom729 | Feb 28, 2020 |
If your girlfriend took out a no contact order against you, would you even consider taking her back? Stone says no but his heart still belongs to Bowie. When she explains why, he's ready to forgive her but his friends don't forgive so easily. Especially when Bowie then gets him into an underground grudge fight. Will they ever manage to get together?

Love & anger are two extreme emotions. Both have their own form of heat. Stone's anger at Bowie is more hurt at her betrayal than true anger. He has to learn to listen to what she says & give forgiveness or he will stay bitter & alone. Bowie has to realize there is such a thing as tough love & her brother needs that more than the pandering & spoiling. He needs to grow up & atone for his actions. Another great story! ( )
  Pam50627 | Jun 15, 2018 |
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"Stone Patino was once a bad boy, but not since moving to Willow Valley. He left that bad boy life behind years ago. Left it in the underground fighting ring he used to call his home. Now, he lives in the country and works on cars. He prefers the simple life without someone trying to put their fist through his face on a weekly basis. There's just one thing about that life he misses. Bowie Blake was once a bad girl too. But now she's a socialite turned reality TV star who turned her back ten years ago on the love of her life, Stone Patino. Full of regret and needing help, she seeks out Stone again. She drags Stone back into the ring to fight her battles and save her wheelchair-bound brother. Stone agrees, but must fight through his own demons and his love for Bowie. Both soon learn it's not easy to fight the same battles they'd already fought and lost so many years ago. But now it's a fight they both aim to win. Note from the author: This is a small town, bad boy, second chance, unde...

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