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Pay Attention, Carter Jones di Gary D.…
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Pay Attention, Carter Jones (edizione 2019)

di Gary D. Schmidt (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
25612108,240 (4.38)6
Sixth-grader Carter must adjust to the unwelcome presence of a know-it-all butler who is determined to help him become a gentleman, and also to deal with burdens from the past.
Titolo:Pay Attention, Carter Jones
Autori:Gary D. Schmidt (Autore)
Info:Clarion Books (2019), 224 pages
Collezioni:Johnny's Shelf

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Pay Attention, Carter Jones di Gary D. Schmidt

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» Vedi le 6 citazioni

Loved this book. Great story dealing with divorce. And learned a lot about the sport of Cricket! ( )
  mjphillips | Feb 23, 2024 |
On Carter Jones' first day of middle school, a Butler shows up on his family's doorstep. His father is in the military and working overseas. His mom is doing her best to manage Carter and his little sisters, the house, and the Jeep that won't start. Carter doesn't really like the Butler and he really doesn't understand why he needs to learn to play cricket, but he's going to have to learn to face some serious challenges, and a secret he is keeping, even from himself.

Family, friendship, coming of age ( )
  TAPearson | Apr 12, 2021 |
Surprisingly refreshing juvenile fiction novel layered in grief but with a positive message. Shades of Mary Poppins. And cricket!!! Cricket rules dealt out to an American audience in nice, bite-sized chunks. ( )
  deslivres5 | Jan 21, 2021 |
Absolutely beautiful book. Read it in one sitting. ( )
  RachellErnst | Jan 5, 2021 |
I knew from the many starred reviews that I was likely to enjoy and his book & it did not disappoint. It's a quick sweet middle grade read that is charming & slightly heartbreaking & well written but slightly unbelievably out of the ordinary. All the while capturing the feelings of what it is like to grow up. I am happy to have a middle grade novel about teamwork & friendship without a subplot of bullying. ( )
  Rachael_SJSU | Jul 11, 2020 |
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Sixth-grader Carter must adjust to the unwelcome presence of a know-it-all butler who is determined to help him become a gentleman, and also to deal with burdens from the past.

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Media: (4.38)
3 3
3.5 3
4 19
4.5 2
5 22

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