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Hera's Terrible Trap

di Stella Tarakson

Serie: Hopeless Heroes (2)

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"Tim Baker thinks his adventures are over until he hitches a ride to Ancient Greece on a stolen vase. Soon Time finds himself trapped with an army of peacocks and a hero who can't stop admiring himself." --Page 4 of cover.

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Thank you to Sweet Cherry Publishing and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

Anything Greek Mythology and you have my attention. This is the 2nd book of the "Hopeless Heroes Series"- Hera’s Terrible Trap. In the first book Tim Baker meets Hercules when he breaks his mother’s antique Greek Vase, which breaks a curse that Hera had Hercules trapped in.

Fast forward, the the 2nd book. After repairing the vase, Tim is guarding it as best he can, but Hermès still manages to come and steal it but Tim jumps to stop him, all the while pulling him up with him back to Ancient Greece. Tim is introduced to Hera, who he makes an escape from, while running, bumps into Hercules. He becomes friends with his daughter Zoe and together they are off to recover the vase if they can, going through a series of events, from being trapped in a maze with Theseus, to hiding in a cave to stay clear of Medusa the famous Gorgon. Head full of snakes, if you look at her you turn to stone, and hopefully find a way for him to get back home. As you read more into the story, we are introduced to more famous Mythological Characters.

I highly recommend this to the younger readers, it was a lot of fun, and I'm definitely excited to read the rest of the series. ( )
  tomasitoreads | Aug 19, 2019 |
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"Tim Baker thinks his adventures are over until he hitches a ride to Ancient Greece on a stolen vase. Soon Time finds himself trapped with an army of peacocks and a hero who can't stop admiring himself." --Page 4 of cover.

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